Chapter 15

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Florence's POV

I woke up the next morning on the Curtis' couch. The whole gang was here except for Dallas but none of them were looking at me. I had a bandage wrapped around my stomach and one on my ankle aswell, I felt physically ill and my side ached. I was in yesterdays clothes and was wet. For a second I wondered what happened when I remembered. The only thing going through my mind was last night. Me jumping into the lake and the water slowly filling my lungs. I remember feeling the water wrap around my neck and strangle me. I felt like someone was pulling me further and further down. The thought made me shudder. I was staring at the ceiling when I spoke up. "I almost died, didn't I?"

"Yeah, kiddo, you did. But you're fine now. I hope you don't mind but I told the guys about you and the blade." Soda sounded calm and sincere.

"I don't mind. Can I have my blade back now please?"

"I don't thinks so, baby. I don't want my kid sister hurting herself anymore. She's already gone through enough pain. Do you want to tell us what happened last night?"

"Dally cheated on me with the broad that jumped me the other night at the drive in. On my way here I got jumped by some soc and I didn't fight back. I walked back here and broke and, well, you know the rest of the story." I stared at the white ceiling like it was my job. Someone picked up my legs and layed them back down on their lap.

"Dally fucking cheated on you?!" I turned to look at Soda who wasn't his happy cheery self. He had red puffy eyes and his hair was a mess. His eyes filled with anger and hatred. "Wait till I get my hands on him. He'll wish he never even looked at the chick!" I put my hand on his face.

"Cool it, Soda. I'm angry too but you don't see me about to slug him in the face, do ya?" His eyes calmed down a little but I could still tell he was angry.

"He does anything to hurt my baby girl I'll hurt him." I produced a small weak smile.

"Thanks, Soda. You're the best."

"Come on, Flo. Lets get you home so you get cleaned up." Two-Bit helped me up. I wrapped my arm around his neck so he could help me walk.

"Two, we'll be round in a couple of minutes. Need to get a couple of things sorted first." Ponyboys usually happy voice was filled with sorrow but he still managed to keep a smile on his face. Just like Sodapop.

When we got home I had to take a bath instead of a shower because of my ankle and when I was done I crawled out and made my way to my room. Darry told Two-Bit that I can't put too much pressure on it because that could damage it more. I finally got to my room and got into todays clothes which consisted of grey sweatpants, a grey sweatshirt with mickey mouse on and pink fluffy socks. I didn't plan on leaving my house today and even if I needed to I could just go out in this. I didn't bother with makeup so I just threw my hair up in a ponytail and tied in the first bandana I saw which happened to be a light blue one. I called for Two-Bit to come and help me down the stairs. When I got down there, everyone was sat on the couch or on the floor just talking. "Hey, Flo. How ya feeling?"

"A lot better. Thanks, Steve." I limped over to where Johnny was sat and placed myself next to him. All I need right now is Johnny to hold me and tell me everything will be alright.

"You look a lot prettier without makeup on." Johnny whispered.

"Thanks, Johnnycake, but I need it."

"No you don't. You're beautiful without it." Both of us blushed and I placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me.

"You guys look real cute together." I giggled and Johnny blushed. I poked his cheek.

"You're cute when you blush." He shoved me very lightly and gently. He blushed a deep shade of red.

We were all sat here talking and watching the tv when the front door opened and Dallas strolled in with a weed in his mouth. I grabbed Johnny's hand and he squeezed it lightly letting me know that I was going to be okay. Even though he was on the other side of the room I could still smell the alcohol on him. "Hey, babe." He smiled at me.

"Don't call me 'babe'." His face sunk and he looked down.

"Can we talk outside please?" I stood up and started to limp to Dally.

"Florence, be careful. He's clearly drunk."

"I will, Johnny, Don't you worry about me." We both walked outside into my garden. It stayed silent.

"Why were you limping when we walked out here?" He actually looked like he cared.

"I did something to my ankle."


"Last night."

"Can you tell me what actually happened after you left? Everyone seems more protective over you now."

"When I left you apartment I was walking home and got jumped by some soc. I sprained my ankle, made my neck bleed." I lifted my neck up so he could see my neck. "They cut my stomach." I pulled up my sweatshirt and showed him the bandage that was wrapped around my body and was speckled with blood. "And then I tried to drown myself but the guys saved my life."

"Florence, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"No, you never do, do you?"

"I need to tell ya that I didn't kiss her she kissed me."

"And that's why she was almost naked on you bed and you were on top of her. Dally I may be young but I am not an idiot."

"She honestly kissed me first and I did push her away. But then she kissed me again and I was so angry at you that I kissed her back and thinks just got out of hand. Please, can I have another chance?"

"I don't know, Dally. You hurt me pretty bad."

"Can you atleast think about? I love you, Florence, and I don't want to lose you. I messed up but I just want you back."

"I'll think about it, Dallas."

"Thanks, Flo." I turned and walked away. "I'll love you no matter what." I took a deep breath and walked back inside.

When I got back inside everyone was watcing me walk back to my seat. I sat back down and shut my eyes; I could still feel everyone watching me. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about. I'm going to my room." 

I layed down on my bed and smashed my face into the pillow. I felt like I was being teared in half. There was a knock at the door and then a voice. "Can I come in, Flo?" I tried to say yeah but it was muffled by the pillow. The door creaked open and I felt someone sit next to me. "What happened out there, Flo?" It was Johnny's voice. I didn't move. I felt Johnny lay down next to me. "I know you can hear me, Flossy." I turned around and stared at the ceiling.

"He told me he loved me and then he asked for another chance." He started twiddling with his fingers.

"And-And what did you say?"

"I didn't tell him I loved him back because to be truthfully honest with you, I'm not sure I do love him. I said I would think about giving him another chance, he said he would love me no matter what I did. What do you think I should do, Johnny?"

"I don't know, Flossy. But whatever you choose I will always stand by your side as y-your b-best friend. To be honest with you I wouldn't give him a second chance because Dally isn't a very trustworthy person but do whatever makes you happy." I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks, Johnnycake. I'm real glad I met you." I rested my head on his chest and he slowly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I felt like I belonged in his arms. "You're real comfortable Johnny." He laughed and held me tighter. I sure do love him.

I will try to fix you(The outsiders/Johnny Cade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now