Chapter 10

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WARNING: More self-harm in this chapter, guys. I'm sorry if it upsets anyone.


Florence's POV

I woke up morning remembering I had a date with Dally. Why did I agree to that? Was I mad at Johnny or did I honestly want to go out with him. I don't even know anymore, all I know is that Dally is taking me to Bucks tonight. Two-Bit doesn't know and I don't plan on telling him any time soon. All I wanted to do was get through this day alive.

When I finally climbed out of bed I took a relaxing shower. I didn't know how long I had been in there till Two-Bit started banging on the door. "Hurry up, Florence. I need a piss."

"Hang on." I wrapped the towel around me and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I really do hat what I see. I looked down at my wrists. There was some major scarring and some fresh cuts I did last night. No one knows I do it and no one will ever know. I hid my hand behind my back and opened the door. Two-Bit charged in and pushed me out the way. "Wait till I'm out of the room, would ya Two-Bit?" 

I walked back into my room and pulled out my clothes for the day. I decided I would wear some ripped up shorts, a black crop top, a denim jacket and my beat-up white converse. I did my usual winged eyeliner and pink lips. I left my hair down because I liked my natural curls and then a just tied a red polka-dot bandana around my head. I thought I would jewlery today so I put on a fake gold knuckleduster ring and a love heart locket that my mum gave me when I was younger. I brushed my teeth and ran downstairs surprised at the delicious smell of pancakes and waffles. "Two-Bit, I didn't know you could cook."

"He can't but I can." A cheery voice replied. I ran to the kitchen to find Sodapop making waffles and pancakes. 

"Why are ya'll here?"

"You sound like you ain't happy to see me."

"I am. It's just we usually go to your house?" That came out more of a question than a statment.

"Well, we all thought that we would come to your house for once."

"Okay then." I walked into the front room where the rest of the boys were playing cards and drinking beer. "Really? Beer this early in the morning? Ya'll got a problem." Everyone turned to look at me. Their jaws dropped to the floor. "Ya'll better shut your mouths or you'll catch flies." I turned to look at the shelf where we kept all the books. "Hey Two-Bit have you seen my blade? I can't find it anywhere. And is my longboard still by the door?" Silence. I turned back around to find that no one had stopped looking at me. "I guess I'll find it myself." I walked back into the kitchen. "If I can't find mine Two-Butt I'm stealing yours!"

"Florence, wait up. I'll help you find it." Johnny came walking to my side.

"Thanks Johnnycake."

"What are ya'll missing?" Soda still hadn't looked at me yet. I felt sort of happy he didn't because then I would get proper self concsious.

"My switch. I left it in my room last night and now it's gone." He turned around.

"I think I saw-" He cut himself off by his jaw dropping.

"Soda. Soda! Focus."

"Oh um, sorry. I said I think I saw it by the door with someones skateboard."

"First of its a longboard, second of it's mine and third of thank you." I kissed his cheek and walked off to get my switch and board. Soda had gone back to making waffles and pancakes but he was smiling to himself. When I walked back to where the boys are they were still sat there staring at the spot where I was standing. I am not staying here with them, like that. "Johnny, come out with me for a bit?"

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