Chapter 2 Getting To Know Him

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Sorry the names are terrible.

Yoongi POV

OH MY GOD!! DID I JUST CALL THAT GUY CUTE!! I MEAN SURE HE'S REALLY CUTE!! Wait.... WHAT!! I'm I thinking about him.... whatever.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jimin walking in my room.

Jimin: Hey, want to go to the mall??
"I'm fine I just want to stay here.
Jimin: Ok lazy.
"What did you just say??
Jimin: I just said your lazy.
"I'm not lazy.
Jimin: Go to the mall with me.
"Fine, you're such a baby.
Jimin: Whatever.

So after I got dressed we went to the mall to look around. So I decided to text Tae.

(A/N thats right I figured out how they do the texting. HA!!)

Tae what's up

I was watching my favorite

I just want someone to
talk to

You have Jimin.

Yeah, but I don't
know him that

How dumb are you??
Get to know him.

How do I talk to

Just say, I know
we just met so
let's get to know
each other.

Thanks Tae .

No problem.

I stopped texting do to Jimin pulling me in to a store.

Jimin: I like this shirt.
"Ok, and .
Jimin: I want to know how you feel about.
"It's ok.
Jimin: Ok, this shirt is amazing!!
"Whatever..... OH MY GOD PUPPIES!! I said as I ran I Of the store to pet the puppies in the petting zoo.

Jimin: Look who has a soft spot.
"Haha, sorry I just really love puppies. I said giving him my gummy smile.
Jimin: Awww... you have a cute smile.
Jimin: Anytime.
"Anyway,since we stay in the same dorm room we should get to know each other.
Jimin: Ok, you first.
"Umm, I'm 18.. I love puppies, as you can see. And I was second smartest in my class.
Jimin: Nice, I'm 18, I love all animals, and I was the top student in my class.
"Good for you.
Jimin: Thanks.
"Anyway do you want something to eat??
Jimin: After we buy one of this puppies.
Jimin: Yeah, they are to cute not to.

So we got a puppy and went to the food court.

Jimin: What should we name him??
"Hmm.I don't know.
Jimin: How about Holly.
"I love it.
Jimin: Thanks.
"So what do you want to eat??
Jimin: I doesn't matter.
"Ok kimchi.
Jimin: That fine.

So got our food to go and on our way we decided to get some supplies for the puppy.

And went we got back we saw all our friends out side our door smiling.

Tae: Where did you two go??
Jimin: The mall, why??
Jungkook: One, we wanted to know, Two cute puppy.
"Thanks this is Holly.
NamJoon: Anyway, was it a date??
Jin: Yeah, you two look like a married couple, who like together, and got a dog.

I could see Jimin blush at the thought which made me smile.

Jungkook: I see Jimin likes the thought.
"I get it it's ok. Now that we answered all you questions, can y'all go back to your rooms??
Jin: Fine, but if you guys kiss tell me.
Jimin: Whatever, come on Yoongi and Holly.
" Coming.

So we went to the room and placed everything done.

Jimin: So where should we put Holly's bed??
"How about outside our rooms.
Jimin: Sounds Nice.

Hi guys back with another one and listen to this song if some of you haven't

It is so good

Anyway see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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