Chapter 31 Secrets

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Hi guy side note before I start this story. GOD DAMM!! THIS STORY HAS OVER 100 VOTES AND 3k VIEWS AND MORE COMMENTS THEN MY FIRST!! I just want to say thank you for the love and support you gave me though this story. And I'm very sorry to one viewer how commented that she/he started up to 2am reading this and she/he had school in 4hours and to all that stay up all night to read this you got some skill because I would have passed out no joke!! (Yeah I'm keeping the puns) And that was just a little side not about all the things that happened. Now on to the chapter.


Jimin POV

Yoongi and the others just got back from the mall and Yoongi has a big bag of something and NamJoon has roses and Jin is fangirling over them.

NamJoon: They reminded me of you so I got them.
Tae: I'm romantic when I want to be and I'm sexy all the time.

( A/N he's not wrong)

Jungkook: Yes you are.
"Anyway Yoongi, What did you go to the mall for??
Yoongi: Nothing!!, he said, but he sounded shaky.
"Ooook, Jin don't we have something to tell the others??
Jin: Oh yeah!! Everyone Jimin quit he's job!!
Jin: I wasn't finished, he said in a annoyed voice.
Jin: He quit he's job because a modeling company saw us and told us to give them a call if we wanted to be models!!
Yoongi: Does that take up time??
"YOONGI!! I know you don't like it, but I want to do this!!
Yoongi: I know, but what if you have to travel some where for like a year!!??
"Then I'll talk to the manager about that.
Yoongi: Really??
"Yes, I'll always find time for you, I said giving him a kiss.
Hoseok: I'm still here.
Jin: Who long have you been standing there??
Hoseok: The whole time.
NamJoon: You can stay over if you want.
Hoseok: Thats ok, I have a date!!
"Really!!?? Who??
Hoseok: I guy named Jackson!!

(A/N sorry if you don't want me to ship Jackson and Hoseok together it's just the first name that popped in my head LMAO!! If you don't like it I mite change it)

Jungkook: Nice!!
Hoseok: Thanks!! Well got to go see you guys at dance class!!
"Bye Hoseok!! So what are you hiding??
Yoongi: What do you mean??
"You know what I mean!! Your hiding something.
Yoongi: Jimin, come with me, he said grabbing me arm and pulling into the room we shared. From there I heard Jin and Jungkook screaming and I could here some words.

Jungkook: OH MY GOD REALLY!!
NamJoon: Your not his mom!!


" So what you hiding??
Yoongi: It's a secret!!
"Why is it a secret??
Yoongi: Because I want to surprise you!!
"And what is the surprise??
Yoongi: I can't tell you.
"Come ooooooonnnn!!! Pleaseeeeee!!
Yoongi: Hmmm. No, he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the room.
"Hey!! I hate surprises!!
NamJoon: Well you'll like this surprise!!
"You told them the surprise!!
Yoongi: Yep!!
Jungkook: And I was so happy to find out, he said giving Yoongi a thumbs up.
Jin: I know we're supposed to tell you everything, but this you can't know.
Yoongi: Ok have fun baby!!
Yoongi: I love you!!
"*sigh* love you too!!
Jin: Awwww you two are such a cute couple!!
Yoongi: Jin you always say that.
Jin: Yeah, and remember when I said my ships always come true??
Yoongi: Yeah, sadly.
Jin: I forgot to say I told you so!!
NamJoon: Jin not the time!!
Tae: Yeah I think Yoongi has something to do, right?.
Yoongi: Yeah I have to choose a song.
Jungkook: Why??
Yoongi: Because this song will basically explain what Jimin went though and that I'm here to help him.
Tae: Oh ok good luck with that.


Yoongi POV

I decided to look up the song that sounded like what Jimin and I went though I our relationship, and I found the perfect one.


Hi guys hope you like this chapter and this was the closest song I could get to.  So yeah!!
And here's a pic

  So yeah!!And here's a pic

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And I have a question??

Do you own any BTS albums?? Yes or no

For me yes I own LoveYourself Tear and LoveYourself Answer!!

And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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