Chapter 32 Meet My Parents Pt 1

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Yoongi POV ( continued last chapter)

I was just finishing so work, of course with me headphones on, and I didn't know that Jimin was call me until later.


Jimin: YOONGI!!
"What are you yelling for??


Jimin: What were you doing then!!
"Recording a song.
Jimin: Oh, well this is awkward.
"You can at least say sorry, I said rubbing me cheek and pouting.
Jimin: I sorry, he giving me a kiss.
"So what are you doing for the day??
Jimin: Well I have dance class, work, call that modeling thing, and help Hoseok with something, why??..
"Just wanted to know, and because I was going to spend the day with NamJoon and TaeHyung.
Jimin: Ok, so what the hell is the surprise!!??
"I've told you I can't tell you!!
Jimin: But why!!??
"Then I wouldn't be a surprise.
Jimin: Fine I have to go anyway.
"Have fun!!
Jimin: I'll try!!

Then he walked out the door. Leaving me to think of what to do in the mean time.

I wonder if NamJoon has some ideas of what I could do for just the day before I propose. Or I could let Jimin meet my parents. Noo then they'll have all kinds of questions!!

My thoughts were interrupted by Tae walking in the room.


Tae: Did Jimin even meet your parents??
Tae: Why??
"Because I never thought about it until now and they'll have way to many questions.
Tae: Still doesn't mean he can't meet your parents!!
Tae: So let me put it this way. Say Jimin and you are engaged and Jimin says " Hey I wonder if your parents know we're going to get married??" And you say no, and that just makes matters worse because guess what more questions!!
"FINE!! I'll take Jimin to Daegu.
Tae: YAY I WIN!!


Time Skip At The Airport.

Jimin: This the best day ever!! I got into the modeling company, I had a good day at work, and dance class wasn't that long, and on top of that I get to meet your parents!!
"Calm yourself.
Jimin: I can't!! And Holly coming to!!
Holly: BARK!!
"Yeah I know that's the only way I can stay calm.
Jimin: Well now I know how you feel, he said turning his back.
"I was kidding!!
Speaker: Flight 21 is now boarding!!
"That's us.
Jimin: I'm so excited!!


We finally made it to my old house I could see all the memories me and my bother running around. So I gave to door a knock and hoped for the best.

Jun Ki: Who is it??
"Your bother.

Then the door was opened faster ten Jungkook could run.

Jun Ki: HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN!!, he said giving we a hug.
"I don't know,but I would love it if you let me go.
Jun Ki: Ok, Ok... wait a minute what's the hottest guy in the world doing here??, he said trying to look seductive at Jimin.
Jimin: Sorry I'm taken.
Jun Ki: By who??
"Just let us inside you dork!!
Mrs Min: Really!!
"Hi mom.
Mrs Min: YOONIE!!
Mrs Min: What, I always called you that.
"But not in front of.....
Jun Ki: The hottest boy ever!!
Mrs Min: I'm so sorry, what's your name??
Jimin: Park Jimin, he said with an eye smile.
"I haven't seen that in a long time.
Jimin: Sorry.
Mrs Min: Are you Yoonie's friend??
"No, boyfriend, then I whispered the secret into her ear.
Mrs Min: Really, good luck!!
Jimin: Does she know the surprise to??
Jimin: Come on!!
Mrs Min: Well Jimin, what do you do??
Jun Ki: Look hot!!
"If you keep hitting on him I swear I'm going to kill you!!
Jimin: I work at a coffee shop, but I recently got into modeling.
Holly: BARK!!
"And this is our baby Holly.
Mrs Min: So what do you do Yoongi??
"I make music, and rap.
Jun Ki: Dad will love to hear this!!
Mrs Min: His a work right now, but he'll be back soon.
"Don't worry we have to cheek in the hotel anyway.
Jimin: It was nice meeting you!!
Jun Ki: Nice meeting you to!!
Jimin: I was talking to your mother!!
Mrs Min: Nice meeting you to!!


Time Skip Hotel

Jimin: I want to meet your dad, he yawned.
"You'll meet him in the morning, you have to sleep.
Jimin: Well what I stay up all night??
"You'll pass out, trust me.
Jimin: Well then, you can sleep with Holly and I'm going to sleep on the other bed.
"Ok, I said getting in the bed.
Jimin: I can never win with you can I??!!
Jimin: Goodnight Yoongi.
"Goodnight.... Holly.
Jimin: *fake cry*
"Goodnight Jimin.


Hi guys I was going to write this yesterday but my phone was on 6% so yeah. And I have a question for
you guys

Do you UwU at BTS videos??

Me all the time. (Not try not to fan girl I lose every time)

And here's a pic

And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

P.S. have you guys see Airplane pt 2 Japanese mv soooo Good!!!

Ok I'll go now

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