Chapter 34

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This song has nothing to do with the story. P. S. I have a YouTube channel now Ladybug Thompson 2 videos of me and my sister voice singing. I couldn't think of a title.
Yoongi POV
I was in my office working and I didn't know what time it was and I didn't know Jimin had texted me and called me over 24 times.


*bang bang bang*
"Who is it??
Jimin: Open the god damm door Yoongi!!
"Jimin, what are you doing here??, I said opening the door.
Jimin: Hmm, let me think, do you know what time it is??!!

I looked at my phone and saw all the calls text and the time was 12:34 a.m.

"I didn't know.
Jimin: What were you doing this whole time!! Do you know how worried I was??!!
"I'm sorry I didn't come back I just lost track of time, I said holding his hands.
Jimin: *sigh* Yoongi I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. Don't. Work. Yourself.
"I promise now let's go back.
Jimin: Fine.


"I was working.
Jimin: I told him not to work himself out again.
Jungkook: Now that your back Jimin has some pictures to show you, he said getting some pictures out of his room.

( A/N sorry if a kill some of you)

( A/N sorry if a kill some of you)

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Jin: Earth to  Yoongi

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Jin: Earth to  Yoongi. Hello??
Jungkook: Hot right??..
Jimin: I really like them!!
"Can I frame them and put them a our wall??
Jimin: I'm not saying you can't.
NamJoon: Me and Jin are going on a walk anyone wanna come??
Jin: If one person goes their boyfriend has to go to.

Then Jimin looked at me with a smirk.

"Jimin please don't do it!!
Jimin: We're coming!!


NamJoon: Soo when do you plan on asking him??
"Soon, but I don't know where.
Jin: Do you remember the place we went in college??
"You mean the place we walked with you??
Jin: Yeah!!
"That sounds amazing, ok I'll do it!!
NamJoon: Good luck!!
Jimin: What are you guys talking about??
Jin: Nothing.... oh look ducks!!
Jimin: Where!!??

It's nice to see him run around like a little baby, but his a special baby.
He's my baby.


Hi guy hope this wasn't cringe.
At least I tried right??
Anyway here's a pic

At least I tried right??Anyway here's a pic

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And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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