Chapter 36 Just Like Any Other

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Hi guys just wanted to say thank you for 30 followers!! I thought we would never make, but we did!! And the song it's just how I feel right now.


Jimin POV


Jin: So how is being engaged Yoongi??
Yoongi: It's really great!! Jimin been really happy lately, which is awesome.
NamJoon: Have you guys planned on what the wedding would look like??
Yoongi: Not yet, but when he wakes up we'll start.
Jungkook: Have you met his parents yet??
Yoongi: No, but I'll ask him about that when he wakes up.
Jin: Jungkook, is Tae ever going to make up!!??
Jungkook: Leave him alone!!
"What's with all the yelling!!??
Yoongi: It's just Jin getting mad because Tae won't wake up.
NamJoon: Don't you have something to ask Jimin??
Yoongi: Oh right!! Jimin did you ever tell your parents about this??
"Oh yeah, them, I said in a kinda mad yet sad voice.
Jin: Whats wrong??
"It's just, me and my dad didn't have a great relationship.
Yoongi: What about your mom??
"My mom is cool, just not my dad.
Jin: Do you want to see them though??
"I guess so.
Yoongi: You don't have to if you don't want to.
"No, I have to.
Yoongi: Are you sure??
Yoongi: Ok to Busan we go.

Time Skip At Jimin's House

Yoongi: You've been staring at the door for almost 10 minutes.
"It's just if I knock I'll see my father and he'll most likely shut the door.
Yoongi: Just calm down I'm here, he said giving me a kiss.
"*sigh* Here goes nothing.

I gave the door a knock. A few minutes later my mom opened the door with a smile.

Mrs Park: Oh Jimin, how nice to see you again!!
"Hi mom, Nice to see you to. Is dad here??
Mrs Park: Yes he is. Would you like to see him??
"Yes please.

So me and Yoongi walk inside and I see my dad look at me and look away.

"Hi dad.
Mr Park: Who's the boy??
"This is Yoongi.
Yoongi: Nice to meet you sir.
Mr Park: I've heard that name before. Doesn't he make music??
"Yes he does.
Mr Park: Why is he here??
"Well I thought it would.....
Mrs Park: Jimin, is that a ring  on your finger??
"That's why I'm here. Me and Yoongi are engaged.
Mr Park: So your marrying my son??
Yoongi: Yes sir.
Mr Park: Jimin your marrying the boy??
"Yes dad.
Mrs Park: I'm so happy for you!!
"Thanks mom. Dad??
Mr Park: Yoongi you better treat my son like any other person, but you treat him with love, respect, and care because he's very sensitive.
Mr Park: And Jimin, I saw you in a magazine yesterday.
Mr Park: Lets just say you have a lot of fans now, he said laughing.
"Thanks for not being pissed of at me even though we did not have the best relationship.
Mrs Park: So when's the wedding??
Yoongi: We don't know yet.
Mr Park: Two words. Chocolate. Cake.
"Dad no chocolate cake!!


Time Skip Bangtan House

I was just laying in bed watching tv and enjoying myself when Yoongi turned off the tv.

"What the hell!!??
Yoongi: I'm bored.
"That's doesn't mean you turn off the tv!!
Yoongi: We can start planning for the wedding.
"Wait, did you just want to plans for the wedding??
Yoongi: Maybe I did and maybe I didn't.
"Anyway, I said sitting up. We can start with when.
Yoongi: How about a year from now??
"That works and who's coming??
Yoongi: Well we both know where inviting our families so about 100.
"What is the color scheme??
Yoongi:You can choose this one.
"How about black and blue??
Yoongi: Why??
"Because you have a dark soul and I'm your happy side!!
Yoongi: Wow real clever, he said annoyed.
"Thank you.
Yoongi: You know what I'm going to bed!!
"Goodnight sweetness.
Yoongi: Good Bye.
"How is it good bye if your just going to sleep??
Yoongi:Oh my lord!!


Hi guys here's another chapter for you guy and who's ready for thanksgiving!! I know I am. Thanksgiving is the the only holiday that a can eat as much as I want without being told to stop!!

Anyway here's a pic

And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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