Chapter 35 Poping The Question

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( Hi I'm the author's thoughts she actually couldn't stop thinking about this so she stop watching YouTube and got on the chapter)

Yoongi POV

Today is the day I ask Jimin to marry me!! But I need the guys help to plan it out. I'm praying Jimin does not take pictures until after I ask him.

NamJoon: Are you sure you're ready??
Hoseok: Yeah,this is a big step!!
"Yeah, I'm ready.
Jin: Ok, so lets go over the plan again.
"First I say I have a meeting and that's why I'll have my suit on, then you'll ask Jimin to go somewhere with you guys and even if he saids no you'll take him anyway. Then I'll be waiting for him so I can ask him the question.
Tae: That seems pretty easy!!
Hoseok: No it's not!!
Hoseok: Do you not know what Jimin saids when he doesn't know where he's going??
Tae: No.
Hoseok: "Where we going??, "Are we there yet??!! Over and over !!
Jin: Well we'll tell him that it's his surprise!!
NamJoon: Yeah that'll work.
"Then let's start!!

We walked out of the room and say Jimin was just getting back for the park.
Jimin: Hi guys!! Yoongi what's with the suit??
"I have a meeting today.
Jimin: Really??
"Sorry baby, but I'll be back soon tho, I had as I kiss his forehead and walked out the door.
"Step on, done.


Jimin POV

Soo Yoongi has a meeting, and I here without him. If he doesn't come back and he works over night like he did last time it's going to be hell to pay!!

NamJoon: Jimin, do you want to go somewhere with us??
"Where are we going??
Jin: We'll tell you later.
"But what if I want to know now??
Tae: Just say yes and get in the god damm car!!
"Fine, Mr bossy.


The drive was long and Jin was smiling the whole way down. I was wondering what was going on so I asked.

"Where are we going!!
Hoseok: I warned you!!
Tae: We'll tell you later.
"Are we there yet??
Jungkook: All most, but not yet.
"When will we be there??
Jin: Soon.
"How far are we from it??
NamJoon: Not far now!!
Jin: And we're here!!


( I'm going to change the POV one more time)

Yoongi POV

I could see the car in the distance. I saw Jimin get out the car and Jungkook point to me and Jimin running over. This is where I was going to propose.


"Do you remember this place??
Jimin: Yeah, this is the place where Jin took us back in college!! WAIT!! I thought you had a meeting??!!
"I lied, that's because of your surprise.
Jimin: I finally get my surprise??!!
"Yeah and here it is.  When we first met it was almost like any other, but this was different. Remember when I said I would keep it in mind when they told me you were single??
Jimin: Yeah.
"I had really fallen in love with you, and when we ran into ups and downs that cause a long time apart, but yet you still became my boyfriend again. And every day I see you sleep, watching tv, and smiling those things are just examples of why I love you. So I'm here for your surprise, I said as I got down on one knee.
"Jimin, will you marry me??

I could see the tears in his eyes and I was just in shock, and he gave me my answer.

Jimin: YES!!
"Really, I said smiling.
Jimin: YES!!

I put the ring on his finger and hugged him.

Others: WHOOOOO!!
Jimin: So, I'm your fiancé!!

Then we just hugged for a while and eventually went back home. This was literally the best day of my life.


Hi guys the chapter you've been waiting for is hear and I almost cried while writing this. And here's a pic

And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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