Chapter 12 He's mine

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Warning that high note will slay you like it does me all the time

Jimin POV

DID HE JUST SAY HE WAS SPANK ME!! He won't really do it.....will he??

"Wait your going to what??
Yoongi: I'm. Going.To.Spank.You.
"No your not.
Yoongi: Who's going to stop me??
"I am.
Yoongi: How??

Just then he walked and throw me over his shoulder.

Yoongi: I told you about telling me to shut up haven't I??
"Stop put me down.


"Owww, what the hell??
Yoongi: What have I told you about telling me to shut up??
"You told me not to do it.


Yoongi: And didn't you tell me to shut in that text.
"Put me down.


"Ahhh!! Stop!!
Yoongi: Did you tell me to shut up in that text.
Yoongi: Good. He said as he put me back on the ground.
Yoongi: Thats all I wanted to hear.
"Can we got to the mall with the others??
Yoongi: Why??
"Because I want to get out of the dorm.
Yoongi: Can't you just go by yourself??
"No, because Jin will have NamJoon and Jungkook will have Tae. And I don't want to go without my boyfriend.
Yoongi: Aww, you want me to go so you won't feel left out.
"Come on, please for me.
Yoongi: Fine.
"Yay. I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

So we went to the mall with the other and looked around the stores. Then we all went to the food court to get something to eat before looking around again.

Jin: I'll get the kimchi. How about you guys??
Yoongi: I'll get noodles.
NamJoon: Rice
Tae: Me and Jungkook will get chicken rice.
"I'll get noodles.
Jin: Me and Yoongi will go place the orders.

So the rest of us went and sat down. Then a guys walked over to me.

??: Hi what's your name??
"Jimin, yours.
Rob: Mines Rob, but you can call me your future boyfriend.
"I have a boyfriend.
Rob: No you don't, you're just saying that beautiful.
"I'm not joking I have a boyfriend.
Tae: Yeah, leave him alone.
Jungkook: His boyfriend is ordering food for the rest of us pervert.
Rob: Whatever you guys are just on his side.
"I. Have. A. Boyfriend.

Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

Rob: Come on baby, don't play hard to get.

Then from the corner of my eye I could see Yoongi running over to me. Ready to kill someone.

Rob:And who are you??
Yoongi: I'm his boyfriend bitch.
Rob: Well his my boyfriend now.

Then I saw Yoongi punch him in the face. And when he got up he was wrapping blood from him nose.

Yoongi: He's mine.
Rob: This isn't over.

Then he walked off.

Yoongi: Did he hurt you?? I could the worry in his voice.
"I'm fine, thanks for standing up for me.
Yoongi: He'll have to got though me before he gets to you.

It feels good knowing he was going to protect me whatever means necessary.

Hi guys double update today so have fun💕💕

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