Chapter 15 Field Trip Pt2

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Hi guys today I will try to do the double update because what just happened to me a few hours ago was awful and I'll tell you about that in a author's note. Ps the whole field trip will be in Jimin's POV

Jimin POV

Why is Yoongi smirking like that?? What is he thinking?? What's width gorgeous??

"Why are you looking at me like that??
Yoongi: So I cant look at you the way I want??
"You can, just why the smirk??
Yoongi: I just like this look.
"Ok, should we go meet the others before it gets dark.
Yoongi: Well Tae and Jungkook and probably doing something, so Jin and NamJoon  should be awake.

So we went to find Jin and NamJoon's tent to see what their doing.

Yoongi: Jin,NamJoon and you guys done unpacking??
Jin:We were just about to go see you guys.
"Well what should we do??
NamJoon: Lets go look around.

So we look at things that mite me important to us in the morning like the bathrooms, meeting hall, and the cafeteria.

NamJoon: So we looked around and that pretty much.
Jin: Can I go see the kitchen??
"No Jin, you know when you get in there you'll try to cook something.
Jin: But I like cooking.
Yoongi: Jimin, I'm tried can we go back??
"Fine, you big lazy log.
Jin: Bye guys.
"Bye Jin.

The sun was setting and I could tell it was past Yoongi's bed time.

"What time do you go to sleep??
Yoongi: Whatever time I feel like it.
"Well good night.
Yoongi: What about your good night kiss.
"I almost forgot. I said giving him a kiss.
Yoongi: Well good night Jimin.
"Good night Yoongi.

When I wake up my arm are around a soft surface, my head was not on a pillow, but more of a muscular type feel, and I could feel hot breath on the head. And when I opened my eyes I saw a shirtless Yoongi.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt??
Yoongi:Because I was hot and I always sleep like this. Oh and you cuddled me all night.
"Well I just got cold.
Yoongi: Whatever.

So now all I have to do is go though the day.

Hi guys the double update will not be a chapter and a chapter it will be a chapter and a note.

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