Chapter 37 Places

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Yoongi POV

Me and Jimin are still planning for the wedding and everything seems to be going pretty well, except when it came to where we were going to have it.

Jimin: So we only have a little left to do before we can set things up, so let's continue with where we left off.
"So let's start with where.
Jimin: How about the beach..??
"I don't know. The beach has waves, sand, most likely to rain.

(A/N the puns will never stop)

Jimin: Well where do you think we should have it??
"A church.
Jimin: Why??
"Because it's simple and nice.
Jimin: I like my idea better.
"Well I like mine.
Jimin: Ok, how about.....a.......park??
"Parks have bugs and lots of people.
Jimin: One parks are beautiful, Two  we can plant flowers and make it pretty.
"And because it's you name.
Jimin: Yes.
"I still like a church.

At this point I knew I had pissed him off so bad. It wasn't like a normal piss off, this was the kind of piss off when you wait in a long line for something and then when you get there they tell you that the machine is broken.

(A/N that happened to my friend once)

Jin: Stop yelling!!
"Whatever Jin, just help us with this.
Jungkook: What is it.
Jimin: Well Yoongi over here thinks we should have our wedding at a church and I think we should have it at a park or the beach!!
Tae: And your telling us this why??
"Because we can't decide on which one, and chimchim over here is getting pissed.
Jin: I like the park.
NamJoon: Church.
Tae: Church.
Jungkook: Park.
"So that makes 3 against 3.
Jimin: There's only one person we can ask.
Jin: Who??
Jimin: Hoseok.

So Jimin grabbed his phone and called his Hoseok to ask him the question that was so important.

Jimin: Hoseok I have to ask you a very important question!!
Hoseok: What is it??
Jimin: Me and Yoongi want to have our wedding in different places and we can't decide which one.
Hoseok: What are they??
Jimin: The beach, the park, and a church.
Hoseok: I can see why Yoongi would want to have a wedding at a church, anyway I can't tell you my answer over the phone but I'm on my way.
Jimin: You better hurry!!, then he hung up.
"What did he say??
Jimin: He said he couldn't tell me over the phone, so he's coming over.
Jin: What do you think he'll go with??
Jimin: Me.
"No me!!
Jimin: No me!!
NamJoon: Would you two shut up!!

Then we heard a knock at the door. And Hoseok was standing there annoyed.

Jimin: I'm so glad your here!!
Hoseok: Lets get to the point. You want something different from Yoongi right??
Jimin: Yes.
Hoseok: Let me sit down and think.

After awhile Hoseok finally got the an idea.

Hoseok: Name a place that you two have been together.
"There was that place that we went to in college. And that's the place I proposed to you.
Hoseok: Good. Do you two love that place??
Jimin: I love it so much, it's better when the sun sets.
Hoseok: Yoongi??
"I like it.
Hoseok: Does it have flowers??
Jimin: Yes.
Hoseok: Is there a church near by??
Hoseok: Well there you go, you each get something you want.
Tae: Oh, Yoongi gets the church and Jimin gets the park.
Hoseok: Now everyone is happy.
"Thanks Hoseok.
Hoseok:Now that I helped you you help me.
Jimin: With what??
Hoseok: You guys have to get vanilla cake and icing.
Jimin: Fine.
"I'm cool with that.
Hoseok: Yay!!


Hi guys 3 more chapters until this story comes to a end. But the next story will be a NamJin so don't worry.

And here's a pic

And see you guys soon ❤️💛🧡💚💙💜

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And see you guys soon ❤️💛🧡💚💙💜

And my mom got me a new BTS album it's Her. So now I have 3!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

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