Chapter 30 This One

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Guys sad to say but in 10 more chapters and the story ends and a new one begins.


Yoongi POV

I called NamJoon, TaeHyung, and Hoseok out to the mall for something important. To me it's one of the things I need.


"Yes it's very important.
NamJoon: Wait, if you wanted to call us here for food you would have called Jimin to, or you would have went by yourself!!
"Well as soon as I find what I'm looking for I'll tell you the real reason I called you all here.
Tae: Ok, but I'm getting food for here if it's the last thing I do.
"Ok fine, first the suit store.
Tae: Mite I ask why we're here??
NamJoon: I like this one!!
Hoseok: Me too.
"It's nice, but not good enough.
Tae: How about this one, he said pointing at the perfect suit.

Tae: How about this one, he said pointing at the perfect suit

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"That's the one.
Tae: What do you mean "that's the one"??
"You'll find out later.
Hoseok: But I want to know now!!
"I don't care. Now we have to go to the flower shop.
NamJoon: Ok, Mr. Bossy.


Hoseok: I like the roses.
NamJoon: Jin loves roses, I going to get him some.
Tae: See anytime you lie Yoongi??
"Yeah this one, I pointed at something almost as beautiful Jimin.

Tae: See anytime you lie Yoongi??"Yeah this one, I pointed at something almost as beautiful Jimin

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"The last place I want to go is the jewelry store.
Tae: I think I know what your doing Yoongi.
Hoseok: Yoongi What is going on!!
"I'll tell you later.


NamJoon: WOW!! Some many rings!!
Tae: I know, Jungkook would love all of them!!
"Would you guys stop drooling over the rings!!
Hoseok: Look at this one!!

NamJoon: WOW!! Some many rings!!Tae: I know, Jungkook would love all of them!!"Would you guys stop drooling over the rings!!Hoseok: Look at this one!!

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"This one, this one right here.
Tae: Oook, can we get food now?? You got what you need now I have have to get what I want.
Hoseok: You can't have Jungkook's ass because he's not here.
"Hahahahah!! He got you there TaeHyung!!
Tae: Whatever, lets just go to the food court.


In The Car Driving.

Hoseok: So Yoongi, you haven't told us what you got all that stuff for.
"Well, I'll tell you if you don't tell Jimin.
NamJoon: Ok!!
Tae: Fine.
"Well, I....I wanted to ask Jimin to marry me in a romantic way.
"And if all goes well he's be my fiancé.
NamJoon: Wait until Jin finds out!! He's ganna flip!!
"I know. I hope he saids yes.


Hi guys double update today and I haven't done a double update in a while. And I hope you guys didn't cry like I did while typing this.
And here's a pic

And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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