Chapter 40 Wedding

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Jimin POV

TODAY IS MY WEDDING!! I'M SO EXCITED!! But I hope Yoongi is sober if not it will be hell to pay!!


I was just getting dressed into my suit and everything was going great and nothing was wrong my friends/best men are getting dressed to.

Jin: So this is it the day I give my son away., he said in a sad tone.
"Jimin you are not giving me away my dad is and you are not my mother!!
Jungkook: Do you think Tae will propose to me someday??
"Yeah someday, maybe with he thinks the time is right.
Jin: Anyway put the veil on!!, he said excited.

So I put the veil and looked in the mirror. I stared for a while I thought I was going to cry.

Jungkook: Don't cry Jimin!!
"I'm not cry... crying.
Jin: I think Yoongi will start crying first.
"I think I'll cry first., I said giggling.
Mrs Park: Are you..... Oh my. Jimin you look so handsome!!
"Thanks mom.
Mrs Park: Now all we have to do is this., she said putting the veil over my face and giving me my flowers.
Jin: Now go get married.


Yoongi POV

I managed to get sober before going to the church to get dressed, but all I could think about was what Jimin looked like. I bet he looks so great.


Hoseok: Hello earth to Yoongi., he said waving his hand in my face.
Tae: You blackout a little.
NamJoon: You're dreaming about Jimin aren't you., he said with a smirk.
"Shut up!!
Hoseok: You've waited for a year for this and it's finally here the day Jimin becomes your husband!!
Tae: Maybe I should ask Jungkook to marry me.
"You do that Tae, but right now it's almost time for me to go out.
Mr Min: Not before I wish you good luck.
"Hey dad.
Mr Min: Remember this boy will be apart of your life now, and he seems very sensitive....
Tae: Oh, he is!!
Mr Min: Anyway, god luck out there.
"Thanks., I said as I walked out with the guys behind me.

I walked until I saw the the priest. I stud next to him and waited for Jimin.


Jimin POV

I found my dad at the door way of the church waiting for me.

"Dad let me make this clear. Please don't say anything weird to him.
Mr Park: I won't.
"Thank you.

So we started walking down to the park. I was all my friends from a distance and the whole wedding looked so beautiful. Then I saw Yoongi. He looked so handsome in his suit.

Yoongi: I see Jimin!!

Then the music started to play and everyone was looking at me walking down the aisle. When I made it to Yoongi it felt like the whole world stopped and it was just us.

Priest: So let's make this short and sweet., he said causing the crowd to laugh.
Priest: Do you Min Yoongi take Park Jimin to be your husband?? There sickness and in health til death do you part??
Yoongi: I do.
Priest: Do you Park Jimin take Min Yoongi to be your husband?? There sickness and in health til death do you part??
"I do.
Priest: Then by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom.

And me and Yoongi share our kiss I could here our family clapping and cheering.

Mr Park: Don't you hurt my son now.
Yoongi: He's cool.

As the wedding went on it was finally time for me to sing my song.

"Everyone I have a song that a friend of mine wrote and I'm going to sing it for my new husband.

After I was done the crowd saw cheering and clapping and Yoongi was wide eyed.

Yoongi: Wow.

(A/N sorry guys if I'm to lazy to write all the other stuff)

When the wedding was over we got into the car and drove off waving goodbye to everyone one as went for our honeymoon.

"You ready for the beach??!!
Yoongi: Yeah and I'm ready for something more., he said smirking but still driving. So I elbowed him in the side.

Yoongi: OWW!!
"Next time don't be dirty.


And that's the end of the story and I hope you guys liked it and I have to go because my phone is on 9%

And thank you guys for reading and voting and commenting and I'm glade I could make some of you laugh and some of you cry.
Anyway here's a pic

And see you guys in the next story❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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And see you guys in the next story❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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