Chapter 16 Field Trip Pt3

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Jimin POV

So he sleeps shirtless, thats great. And then he's hot, all the better.

Yoongi; So what do you want to do??
"I'm actually hungry, want to get something to eat??
Yoongi:But I'm tried.
"Your always tried.
Yoongi:I know, so thats I need to stay here.
"Whatever,come on before Jin comes.
Yoongi: Whats he going to do??
"Hmm, well he'll run in here,think we were kissing and lost track of time, and go on and on about this ship.

And with he jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

Yoongi: I'm not going to risk being bored to death.
"Thats my Yoongi.

When we made it to where everyone was, the teacher said there was going to be an announcement.

Teacher: Dear students, today we will be going on a walk though the woods. And you will have a partner, but you have to write what you see in the woods.
Some people: Yay
Yoongi: Boo, walking.
"I'll walk with you.
Yoongi: Yay, walking.

When we started walking I could see Yoongi was getting tried.

"Come on, your so slow.
Yoongi: I'
"If you don't get up here no kisses for a month.

And he started run and ended up next to me in a split second.

Yoongi: I'm here.
"Good. I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Yoongi: How much longer??
"I don't know.
Jin: Come on, we've been walking for hours.
NamJoon: It's only been 20 minuets.
Jungkook: Well it feels like hours.
Tae: Do you think we'll see a bear??
Yoongi:I doubt that.
"You never know.
Jin: I just want to go back to the tents.
"I bet Yoongi want to sleep right now.
Yoongi: He has a point.
Tae: Well we have to go to sleep.
NamJoon: It's like 5.
Yoongi: I should be sleep.
"Whatever Yoongi.
Tae:What times does he go to sleep.
"Whatever time he feels like it.
Teacher: Come on, don't be left behind.

When we finally got back at the tent Yoongi ran to the bed and took off his shirt and layed down.

Yoongi: I'm so tried.
"I know you are.
Yoongi: Then you know me to Well.
"Thats my big log.
Yoongi: Whatever are you going to sleep??
"Yeah, and someone new is coming.
Yoongi: Really??
"Yeah, That What I heard on the way back.
Yoongi: Cool, well good night.
"Aren't you forgetting something.
Yoongi3 Sorry. Then he gave me a kiss and layed back down and went to sleep.

What am I going to do with him.

And that's all for this chapter me children.

And question. Do you have anything with bts on it. Because I was sent a package with a bts sweat shirt and I'm happy.

And that's all my children❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Like the new existing and I have no idea what happened with the typing

And I have this thing called amino and my name is called BTSisbae and you can download it if you want type chat or voice chat just wanted to tell you guys about it.

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