Chapter 39 Bachelorette Party

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Time Skip It's A Day Before The Wedding.

Yoongi POV

It's a day before the wedding and me and Jimin are so excited, but there's always a bachelorette party and I know the perfect thing to do.


NamJoon: So what do you plan on doing?? I mean Jimin and the other are already gone.
"I'm going to a club.
Tae: Wait a minute, Jimin said not to get drunk!!
"I know, and who said I was going to get drunk??
Hoseok: WAIT!! You drank before??
NamJoon: And he knows what happens when he gets one single drink.
"That was one time!!
Tae: Yeah,you were 19.
"Whatever, I won't get drunk and if I start drinking too much just take me out of there.
Hoseok: And what if you're already drunk??
"Then hide me from Jimin.
NamJoon: You know Jimin finds out thinks very quickly, right??
Tae: Yeah, remember why he found out that me and Jungkook were dating a day after we started??
Hoseok: I believe that Jimin has eyes everywhere and he knows when you're lying.
"Let's just go before he gets back.
Hoseok: Fine, but I had nothing to do with this.


Time Skip At The Club

"Ok, we're here!!
Tae: Yoongi remember, DON'T. GET. DRUNK!!
"Whatever, lets just go.

When we walked in the bar was filled with people mostly because it was Friday, so lots of people would be here. The first thing I did was sit down at the bar and order a shot.
And then another and another... and another....and another. And after a few minutes I was drunk.

Hoseok: Yoongi your going to get drunk!!
"I'm not....... drunk......I'm..... swag.
Tae: Yep he's drunk.
"I'm not drunk...... Jimin!!
NamJoon: Yep he has lost it.
Tae: Should we take him back??
Hoseok: Yeah, it's for the best.
"I don't want to go back I want to s...stay and have.... fun!!, I said trying to sit up straight, but failing.
Tae: Come on Yoongi, lets go back home.
"I said I don't want go *hiccup* back!!
Hoseok: Don't you want to see Jimin??
NamJoon: Yes, now come on Yoongi.

The riding was calm until I heard some whispers then with all my strength I was able to look out the window and I saw Jimin's car.

NamJoon: We're all so fucked!!
Tae: No shit, do you know what Jimin is going to do to us!!?? Worse what is Jin going to do to us!!??
Hoseok: Well I had nothing to do with this so good luck!!
Tae: Fuck you!!
Hoseok; Fuck you too hoe!!
NamJoon: Ok enough you two we have to get Yoongi inside.

So they tried their best to get me out the car and somehow were able to carry me drunk self inside and all hell broke loss.

Jimin: Hey guys....WAIT....IS YOONGI DRUNK!!
Tae: We were watching him and....
NamJoon: Listen we didn't know how many shots he had.....
Tae: Yes., he said scared voice.
Jimin: YOU TWO ARE THE WORST!! YOU KNOW WHAT...... *sigh* take Yoongi into the room and lay him down and give him some water I'll let Jin deal with you guys.
NamJoon: Jimin please not Jin!!
Jimin: Jin, go full mom them.

Then Jimin walked into the room and never came back into the living room. And all you could here was yelling from Jin.

"Jiminie is that you??
Jimin: Yeah, and I told you not to get drunk.
"But I'm not drunk...., then I passed out.
Jimin: Yoongi, What am ogling to do with you when we get married??

Hi guys next time I post will be the last of this story sad to say, and I have a a lot of plans for the next story.
And here's a pic

And if you see from under the pic you can see where I get my pics from and it not that hard to be honest

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And if you see from under the pic you can see where I get my pics from and it not that hard to be honest

Anyway see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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