Chapter 17 Field Trip Pt 4

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Puma is my new favorite shoe brand

Jimin POV

I new kid,I can't wait until they get here. I wonder if Yoongi well like them, oh well only one way to find out.

When I got up I saw Yoongi getting dressed for the day.

"Well, someone's up early.
Yoongi:Whatever I just woke up and you were still sleeping.
"You couldn't woke me up.
Yoongi: I know, but you looked so cute so I did what was best.
"And what was that??
Yoongi: I took pictures.
Yoongi: Calm down, I only took 2.

Just then I heard the teacher do role call. So I hurried as fast as I could to get dressed and get there.

Teacher: Now I know you heard the new that there is a new student.
Everyone: Yeah
Teacher: Well here he is.
Rob:Hi nice to meet everyone.
Yoongi and Jimin: OH HELL NO!!
Teacher: Rob,who would you like to stay with for this trip??
Rob:I can see my good friend Jimin,so I'll stay with him.
Teacher: Well then good luck.
Yoongi:There's no way I'm letting that boyfriend-touching-guy. He whispered.
"I won't let him touch me.
Yoongi: Good, and he's sleeping on the floor.
"Way ahead of you.

When we got back to the tent me and Yoongi sat on the bed and waited for Rob to come.

Rob: What are you doing with him??
"He's my boyfriend. And how did you find me??
Rob: I have my ways.Now where am I going to sleep.
Yoongi: On the floor.
Rob: What scared your boyfriend will start cuddling me??
"Yoongi,calm down. Don't worry you'll be right there with me all though the night.
Rob: Not for long.
Rob: Make me.
"Don't do it. It's not worth it.
Yoongi: You're lucky Jimin is here,or else I'll beat you ass.
Rob: Whatever.
"Come on Yoongi,we have to go meet up with the others.
Yoongi: Can't we just sleep.
"No, unless you want to be here with him.
Yoongi: Lets go see the others.

So we went outside to we what the other were doing.

Tae: Oh that most suck you guys.
Yoongi: How did he even find us??
NamJoon: Maybe his in college and joined late??
"Well I hate him so much.
Jin: How does he even know you??
Yoongi: Well remember that guy I punched??
Jin: Yeah.
Yoongi: Well he happened to put his hands on Jimin so I put my hands on him.
Jungkook: Yeah I thought after the first punch he was so dead.
Yoongi: I thought about it, but not there.
"Well now what. I can't be alone with Yoongi any more.
Yoongi:I know bae, I want to be alone with you to.
Jin: What do you to do when you guys are alone??
"Nun of your business.
Jin: Ok Whatever.

I hope this guy doesn't pull anything dumb or else he's going to see a whole lot of blood.

Hi guys sorry I haven't been posting lately. It's been school and I don't really have time. And I have been sick so sorry.
And i just looked at my first story and I got 2k views and I really thank you for that. And I love you guys so much. I hope I can start posting more often.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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