Chapter 27 Going Places

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Jimin POV

So me and Yoongi are a couple once again and we clearly missed each other. I wonder if he wants me to show him my apartment?? I'll have to find out later.


Jin: Do you want to come to the store with me??
"That's really waht you called me for?.
Jin: Yes, and Yoongi can come if he wants.
"Yoongi is still sleeping, and I'm sure he'll want something back.WAIT!! Did you even ask Kooie or Tae??
Jin: Nooo, he mumbled looking at the floor.
"Then go ask.
Jin: Fine, but if I ask can you show your apartment??
Tae: We don't want to go to the store with you!!
Jin: OK!!
"Fine, lets go.


Jin: So what did you do all those years??
"Nothing much, just went to dance school, work and got an apartment.
Jin: When we graduated, what were you thinking??
"My future, what do would happen next, and if Yoongi ever dated that guy.
Jin: Were you sad??
Jin: Hmm, What should I cook??
"Noodles and steak.
Jin: Sounds good. I have a question.
"Ask away.
Jin: If Yoongi wanted to marry you, would Yes.
"Of course I love Yoongi.
Jin: Just saying.
"I'm going to Yoongi some gummies , to go with that gummy smile.

( A/N you guys remember this sentence 😏😏😏)


"We're back!!
NamJoon: Hey, where you guys go??
Jin: The store and Jimin's apartment.
Yoongi: Why didn't you tell me you were going to see his apartment??
"You were sleeping, and I got some gummies.
Yoongi: Thanks, he said as he gave me peek on my cheek.
Tae: Awwww so cute!!
Jungkook: I know!!
"Come on guys.
Yoongi: You never showed me your apartment.
"Do you want to see???
Yoongi: Yeah.
Jungkook: Me too!!
Tae: Me three!!
NamJoon: I'm coming.
"Ok then everyone's coming.


"When I open the door don't judge my style, and when I opened the door everyone was in shock.

"When I open the door don't judge my style, and when I opened the door everyone was in shock

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Jungkook: Dang Jimin, you got a nice place!!
Yoongi: Yeah real nice.... HOLLY!!, he said smas ran over to the small dog who was barking.

Tae: Boi!!
"You guys remember Holly right??
Tae: Yeah, that's all Yoongi talked about besides you.
Hoseok: Hey guys!!
NamJoon: Hey Hoseok!!
Hoseok: What are you guys doing here??
Tae: Well...
Yoongi: Daddy missed you so much!! Yes I did!! Oh yes I did!!
Tae; Like I was saying, we're here to see Jimin's apartment.
Jungkook: And did Jimin tell you that him and Yoongi are back together??
Hoseok: Yeah that's all he ever....
"Hoseok I thinks that's enough, I said giving him a shut up face.
Yoongi: You know I can still hear everything thing your saying right.?
"I know.
Yoongi: Ok then, Hoseok what things does he say about me??
Hoseok: Well since you asked!!
"Hoseok, No!!
Hoseok: Well thing like "Oh yay I have the most hottest boyfriend ever!!, "he's the best!! He's always there when I need him, oh and I can't forget...
"OK!! That enough!! I think we should go!!
Yoongi: You guys can go I'll stay here.
"Your going to stay in my apartment??
Yoongi: Only if you stay with me, he said with a smile.
"Fine I'll see you guys later.
Jungkook: Bye you to lovers.

And so they left my apartment including Hoseok because he said he had something to do. So it was just me and Yoongi, and of course Holly.

Yoongi: So have you ever thought about moving in with us??
"I've thought about since we got back together, so yeah.
Yoongi:And what do you say if I asked you to move in with us??
"I would say yes as long as the others were cool with it.
Yoongi:Will you move in with me and the others??
"Are they ok with it??
Yoongi:Yeah I asked them the day today when you guys were out.
"Then my answer is yes,I said giving him a kiss.
Yoongi:Cool, and don't think I haven't seen that picture on your bed side table.
"WHAT!!,I said trying to run and get it , but Yoongi pulled me back.
Yoongi: It's ok, it's cute how you still missed me.
"I did miss you.
Yoongi: I know now let's get some sleep we have a lot of moving to do.
"I know.


Hi guys I'm back with another chapter and have you heard this song yet

And I got some pictures off a app I'm on.

And I got some pictures off a app I'm on

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And see you guys soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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