Chapter 8: More School Drama

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(song - Eau de Vie, Shiki Tv Rouge soundtrack)

Chapter 8 - More School Drama




February. Four more months of school left before graduation.

I still have to survive the rest of the school year. Lately, a group of jocks have taken to harass my group of friends. Their taunts and teases are beyond stupid, but they do it just for laughs and to see how we react. The stress isn't good for me, I know, but they keep returning like buzzards to roadkill.

The head jock's, or as I call him Jerk-face, name is Trent Walker. He plays football for the Spartans with wavy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He thinks that he's the best thing that's happened to this town. He walks around, always wearing his school jacket with his flock of followers.

His best friend's name is Ely Harris. He also plays football and had brown hair and blue eyes. Ely wears his school jacket too. It's like the two's trademark. None of the members in their group are allowed to wear their jackets around them.

The other three people who follow him are also football players, I presume. They have nothing else to do and help their leader push us around. I'm about fed up with their attitude and ready to lash out at them. Mickie feels the same way, but Anna tells us to ignore him and eventually he'll go away and find someone else. Yeah, that's likely.

Trent doesn't come around when Jackson sits at our table. He might be tough, but Jackson's tougher. My friend has sat with us more often because he knows what's going on. He rarely talks to the other guys, but isn't shy about talking to us girls. Dan has taken a liking to him, and hangs around with him and his pals sometimes.

Although Anna is acting cool, I know she's steamed. Nerissa Tompson, one of those who also hang out with the jock group, loves to work her up. She's also Trent's girlfriend and friends with Anna's friend Maddison Davis. Believe it or not, Trent is related to Maddison. They're cousins. I find it unbelievable. Maddion is such a nice girl, too bad her cousin's a jerk.

Whenever Anna plans something with her friend, Nerissa gets around it by planning something else with her friend, tying her cousin Trent into it. Madision can't refuse her friend and counsin, so she goes with them instead. It's twisted, what Nerissa does to Anna sometimes.

It's the third week in February when Seth suggests that we go to First Beach again. It has been some time since the last get together, and he thinks that it'll be good for all of us. I think every one of us agrees as long as no one invites Trent's group.




This time I'm able to get Anna and Mickie to pick me up from my house. They always travel together alone, so I asked if I could go with them.

Last Thursday, Anna tried asking her friend Maddison to come with us as well, but she declined. Her cousin had asked her to go with them to the movies for a new premire. At least we know that Trent's group isn't coming today, but boy, is Anna ticked. The whole car ride there, she's complaining on what a jerk Trent is and how much she wants to scratch Nerissa's face off.

I see know why Mickie brought her headphones and ipod. She listens to her music silently, nodding her head and Anna thinks she's agreeing with her. I didn't bring mine, so I'm stuck listening to the whole conversation. It's a long trip to the beach this time unlike the last.

I'm glad to finally get out of the car and head over to the old campfire site. It's still there, although the fire's out and it's daytime. The logs are sitting where they were the night I learned of the Quileute's legend. The boys from La Push are sitting around on them, talking and joking with each other. Seth is among them. Seeing my friend, I walk right over to the group and sit down beside him.

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