Session #1 Pt. 2 (Your POV)

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After a while of getting to know Mr. Jefferson we sat on the couch to watch a few movies before my phone rang.
Caller ID;

John's Gay Ass

"I'm sorry, I should probably take this." I say before answering the call.
Slanted: You
Slanted Bold: John

"John, what is it? I'm kind of busy!"
"Well, Sorry, but FRANCIS JUST ASKED ME OUT!!"
"Oh mon dieu, that's amazing!"
"I'm so happy!"
"What about your crush on Mr. Non-stop(that's u and John's code name for Alex)?"
"O-oh, it's still there."
"I bet when school's over you and him would make an adorable couple!!"
"N/N! I'm with Francis now!"
"Yeah, but you and Non-Stop could be so cute!"
"Yeah, Yeah!"
"Welp, I gotsta go(you're my last meal on death row shut your mouth and lose them tightly whiteys!!!!)John! I'm busy!"
"Okay, Okay, FINE!"

And just like that he hung up on me. I put my phone in my bag and return to the couch where my  *cough* sexy *cough* teacher is. "Sorry about that, John's just, John." Mr. Jefferson laughs. "It's fine, we were about to pick a movie, right?" I nod. "Have you ever seen (Fave movie)?" "Yeah! I love that movie!" I reply enthusiastically. He smiles and puts it on.

Time skip to a romantic scene of the movie

Uh-oh. Romantic scene. I sneak a glance over at Mr. Jefferson who was already staring at me. Shit I think he noticed me staring! He smirks and gets a little closer to me. My face heats up because our lips are only centimeters apart, he leans in slowly. Oh my god, this is actually happening! I think. Right when our lips are about to touch we are interrupted by a loud "HONK HONK!" I frantically stand up to look out the window(Forget you brought your car there!!! YOU DIDN'T!! YOU RODE IN TOM'S CAR AND JOHN TOOK YOU TO SCHOOL!!! OKAY!? GOOD!)oh my God mom's here!! I gather my things and before I leave I call. "It was, uh, nice getting to know you, Mr. Jefferson!"

Time skip to the car ride

"So, how was your first session?" Mom asks. My face turns a light shade of pink. "It was, um, good..?" I say making it sound more like a question than an answer. Mom nods and turns on the radio, ooh Waving Through A Window is on(I am NOT sorry)!! I quietly sing the lyrics under my breath all the way home. Once we get home I immediately race to my room and call John back.

"Gaylien, you won't believe what just happened!"
"I-I'm sure I ca-oh!"
"Uh, John? What're you doing right now?"
"Ah, AH! N-nothing!"
"Okay, well anyway my session with Mr. Jefferson went really well~" I'm cut off with a moan. What the fuck is happening??
"JOHN, be HONEST, WHAT are you doing?"
"I-I already t-told y-you! I- S-STOP! Ah!"
"EW, John PLEASE tell me you're NOT on the phone and doing IT at the same time!"
"I-uh. I-I'll call you la-later!"
He hung up on me once again. That was a whole new level of gross, EW. Totally erasing that from my mind. On a better note, we almost kissed! We almost kissed! Oh my God, but he's a teacher! And this is illegal! Ah! Why is life so complicated!? I write my name repeatedly on a piece of paper like a thirteen-year-old...
Y/N Jefferson
Y/N L/N Jefferson
Y/N M/N L/N Jefferson
Mrs. Y/N Jefferson
Mrs. Thomas Jefferson
I spend the rest of the night fantasizing.

There's your chapter! Sorry for the inconvenience before, this ones a lot longer than the other one!!
WC: 642

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