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This chapter is basically just dialoguing btw


After the meeting, The Avengers go do whatever and Fury goes to Tony's lab to talk with him about Spiderman.

He knocks on the glass door. "Tony?" no answer. He knocks again, and the door opens. "Tony?"

"Yeah?" he looks up from his table, at Fury.

"What do you know about Spiderman?" Tony sighs deeply at this question.

"What do you need to know?"

"Everything. Let's start with his identity, you must know this if you know about his Aunt May." Tony shakes his head.

"I won't tell you his identity. If he doesn't want the world to know who he is, I'm not going to say it." Fury looks at Tony, the determination clear in his eyes. "No, it's not my place to say."

"Tony, if you want to help find him, you have to tell us everything you know. Only SHIELD and The Avengers will know his identity, nobody else. I promise." Tony looks down, deep into his thoughts. Fury sighs and walks back to the door to leave, but stops when Tony talks to him.

"Peter. Peter Parker." Fury walks back over to Tony, grabs his arm, and drags him up to the lounge and everybody else sits down as well. "Well, I'll tell you all you need to know. His name is Peter Benjamin Parker, I'm not telling you his age because you would kill me. He lives in an apartment in Queens with his Aunt. He has no other living relatives, goes to Midtown Science High School, has a friend named Ned, and he was Spiderman before I met him."

"Wait. You said he goes to a high school? That makes him a teenager!" Natasha practically yells at Tony.

"There goes my plan of not getting killed today."

"You brought a teenager to fight with us at Germany! A teenager Tony! Does his aunt know about this?"

"Not a clue. Knowing his aunt, if she found out, he'd be grounded and that's why Spiderman would be gone. But May informed the police of Peter being missing too, so he can't be grounded." Everybody in the room was deep in thought.

"Banner, you go and search everything about Peter Parker, last sightings, addresses of classmates, girlfriends everything." Bruce nods at Fury before rushing to his computer. "Romanoff, Barton, once Banner finds the addresses, both of you go and talk to every single one of them. Everybody else, do whatever you think would be necessary to find him. Oh, and Rogers," just as Steve was about to leave his head whips in the direction of Fury. "please order everybody food. A lot of it, it's going to be a long night." Steve just nods and finds his way to the nearest phone to order Chinese for everybody.


460 words

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