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"Clint, Nat!" Bruce quickly rushes to the kitchen, where the two were talking. "I've got all the addresses ready for you two. They're all over the city, but mainly in Queens. I advise for you to start now." the two nod at him and Natasha grabs the tablet where Bruce has loaded all the addresses.

"So, whose car are we going to take?" Clint asks Natasha.

"Mine. Yours is all... Purple and stuff. People know whose it way too easily." Clint just hums in agreement and makes his way over to Natasha's matte black Ford Mustang. As they get in, Clint takes notice of the very clean interior, making sure to not get anything dirty in case that could piss Nat off.

The weather outside is pretty nice, it's late May anyway. The sun is shining through the clouds, through which you can see quite a few splotches of the blue sky. Clint is pretty sure that if this weren't New York City, you could hear birds singing. He misses hearing that every morning he wakes up, and makes a mental note of hopefully going to his farm in the summer.


"Okay, this is the last one. Take the next left and then three blocks down is the house of Eugene Thompson." Natasha nods and turns. When they arrive, Natasha takes one of her guns with her, just in case. You never know what might go wrong.

Knock knock knock

The door is opened by a teenager, who looks awestruck when he sees who is at his door.

"H-hi. H-How can I help y-you?" Clint lets Natasha talk with this one, as they decided to take turns and he spoke to the previous one, Cindy Moon was it?

"Hello. We would like to talk to Eugene Thompson." Nat says without breaking eye-contact.

"Uhm, yeah, that's me. Come in." He opens up the door wider for them to walk in. Natasha scans the room, looking for any possible threats, finding none.

"Are your parents home?" Clint asks, in case they would barge in any moment and make a huge deal about this the way Betty Brant's parents did. 

"No, I'm alone. They are coming home at eight though." he guides them to the living room, and they sit down. "So, why'd you need to talk to me?"

"We are currently searching for your classmate, Peter Parker, know him?" Thompson nods to the question.

"Why are you searching for him? I can give you his address if you'd like to."

"No, Peter has been reported missing. Have you got any clue about this?" Nat keeps asking him questions.

"What? That's why he hasn't come to school in a month? I just thought he was sick or something. I had no clue that he is missing." Natasha just hums and types everything the boy says into the tablet.

"Okay kid," Clint leans forward, resting his hands on his knees. "what was your relationship with Peter? Ned Leeds told us you were mean to him."

"Uhm, w-well," he glances up at the two spies. "I.. I wasn't." he decides to lie. "Ned was lying." 

"Oh really?" Eugene nods. "Your nickname is Flash, is that correct?" he nods again. "Well Flash, everybody else we've questioned has said that this 'Flash' who appears to be you, has been socially bullying Peter over the last few years of high school." Flash is quiet as he looks down in shame. He is going to be killed by Hawkeye and Black Widow, right here, in his living room.

"Okay. I'll admit. I have been bullying him. But it has literally just been name calling! Nothing else! I swear!" Nat keeps typing everything down and she glances over at Clint, signaling him to continue, as he seems to be getting a lot out of this kid.

"Why? What did he do to you?"

"Why are you asking me this? How is this going to help you find him?"

"You see, the more information we have about Peter is going to help us a lot. We already know quite a lot from what Stark and his other classmates have told us, but every little thing you say could have a huge impact on this. Now, why did you bully him?" Flash looks down at his hands in his lap for a moment before talking.

"I was jealous of him I guess." he looks up at Clint who is waiting for more. "Its just that, well, he told people that he had an internship at Stark Industries, and it seemed as if he was lying since the youngest SI accepts as interns are college students, and he is only 16! Doesn't make sense, does it? Now I decided to call him out on it once, and the way everybody reacted to it just made me want to continue it, so I did." Clint nods at this.

"Well, Clint, we must go now, Steve texted me that the food arrived and that he and Bucky are going to eat it all if we don't go now." Clint nods and they both stand up. "Thank you for all the information you gave us, it's really useful. If we need anything else, I'll contact you." Nat says to Flash with a smile and he nods at her. As soon as they are out the door her smile turns into her normal expression.

"So, you need directions to the tower from here?" 

"I could use them yes please, I'm not used to driving around Queens all that much."

"Just drive four blocks ahead and then turn left. You can see it from there." Natasha nods and backs out of the driveway and onto the street.


I would love to continue this chapter, but since its so long I decided I'm just going to continue to write in the next chapter, rather than making this one too long.

I also have a few chapters pre-written already, so that's why I'm posting them everyday right now, I just have a lot of time to write because school starts in September and I don't work so yeahhhhhhh

925 words

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