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I really don't know much about HYDRA so if they don't have anything to do with Sokovia I'm sorry just bare with me okay



"Tony, are you sure? It could be anybody-" Bruce quickly gets interrupted by Tony.

"Who else takes people to Sokovia against their free will? Huh? HYDRA, so don't you dare argue with me." Bruce looks down and nods at Tony. He seems to be really mad now that he has found out who has Pete- his Peter.

"Well then, we better get going." Fury states and is about to leave the room when Steve interrupts him by walking in front of him.

"What do you mean by that?" Fury sighs.

"What I meant by that is that we better get going to Sokovia now, if we want to get to Peter as soon as possible. You understand?"

"Well, yes, but we can't just fly there. We don't even know where exactly he is."

"He's in a HYDRA base in Sokovia. Its a country in eastern Europe, and flying there is an option. We'll just use one of SHIELD's planes and fly over the ocean and arrive in Sokovia." Steve sighs in defeat and moves away from the door to let Fury exit the room. Everybody looks at Steve, waiting for him to say the words.

He takes a deep breath, and says: "Avengers Assemble, we are going to Sokovia." Everbody rushes past him and up the stairs, yelling at each other about who's gonna throw water on Sam and what else. When he finally decides to go upstairs after everybody, he sees Clint almost soaking, and Sam holding a bucket whilst standing next to Fury who is smiling profusely.


Let's go over the main people in this small-ass plane that Agent Coulson put them into, for "safety measures" as a big plane would cause way too much suspicion around the small country.

Tony- what can there be said for him. He is on this plane to talk to Peter when they find him, and to fight if it's going to be needed, which it probably will, its HYDRA. He definitely isn't enjoying the fact that he has to sit between Bucky and Steve, them constantly talking over him and taking advantage of the fact he's shorter than both of them.

Steve- there because Fury literally forced him to go and help others fight. The one thing he is happy about is the fact that Bucky is there with him, although he can't be sure that HYDRA doesn't activate The Winter Soldier like they did back before Germany, so he's a little worried about that. Other than that, he's fine.

Bucky- he was also put on here by Fury, who said that they might need him to fight- "There can never be too many warriors fighting against something bad." as he said. Although talking to Steve over Tony is helping him calm down, he can't help but worry about the fact that he could be turned back into The Winter Soldier with just a few words.

Bruce- he was obviously going to have to be on this. If somebody was going to get hurt, he had to fix them up. Obviously, he isn't there with the objective to fight- nobody wants The Hulk to go around smashing everything. 

Natasha- she can speak Russian and that's going to come in handy, also, she's a spy. Of course, she's going to come. She can easily just sneak around without being noticed. She has also noticed Bucky being tense, and that's not good.

Clint- basically the same reason as Natasha, except, he excels at ranged combat better than anyone else and can turn almost anything he finds into a weapon (coins, tin plates, sticks etc.). (I went off of the comic version of him, not sure if he does the last part in the movies but oh well)

Wanda- to fight, speak Russian, everything she might be useful at.

Rhodey- fight, what else do you expect? He is called The War Machine after all.

Sam- to fight, fly and help from above. He's like a falcon, that's his name.

Thor wasn't invited. Sorry boo. (as you can tell I got lazy at the end)


The plane lands, and everybody quiets down. They have connected their radio to HYDRA's, to hear what they are talking about.

<Sir? An unknown ship has landed in the area, without any consent.>

<Then go and see who came, if its the Avengers coming after their little Spidey, they might just be a tad bit too late.>

<Yes sir.>


This was literally a filler but it at the same time kinda makes the plot continue? Idk I'm bad at writing please forgive me for all the useless stuff in the middle of anything happening, I didn't want this chapter to be too short

676 words

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