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When they arrive at the compound, they expect to see everybody gathered around the dining table eating and chatting away, but when they see it being completely empty other from the last few boxes of food on the table, they are confused. Walking over to the table they notice Steve, Bucky, and Wanda eating at the lounge, but more than half of the Avengers are somewhere else.

"Where is everybody?" Natasha asks, walking over to the lounge with Clint trailing behind.

"Tony, Fury, Banner, and Rhodey are in Tony's lab discussing different options as to why and where Spiderman is. Wilson is asleep somewhere." Clint nods and joins their conversation.


"Tony, you are literally a genius with an IQ of like, at least 250, how on Earth didn't you think of this before?" that's Rhodey.

"Rhodes, I swear to god if you don't shut up I'm gonna throw you out the window!" and that's Tony.

"Both of you shut up, now, Tony, why didn't you think of this before?" that's Bruce.

"What I said to Rhodey applies to you too Bruce!" Tony again.

"Everybody just quiet down. This isn't getting us anywhere. Now, Tony. Talk to Peters suit or however that works." that's Fury. After hearing that the others rush downstairs into the lab. "Oh, you have decided to join us. That's nice."

"Quiet down please, I'm trying to connect Karen here okay?" everybody stays quiet until Tony stops typing. "Karen? Karen can you hear me?" silence. "Karen? Answer me, please!" silence. Tony turns around to face the others. "If I can't contact her, we might not find Peter."

"Tony, what about Peters phone? Couldn't you track that down?"Steve questions.

"We already tried that, there is no signal from his phone which means the tracker was either taken out and destroyed by itself or his whole phone was destroyed." he turns back around after hearing statics coming from the speakers where Karen was supposed to speak from. "Karen? Can you hear me?" silence. Tony sighs and turns back around.

"What are we going to do now?" Bruce asks everybody in the room.

"Bruce, you were supposed to search up his last sighting," Bruce nods. "where was it and by who?"

"Well, Peter was knowingly last sighted on the 21st of April, so a little over a month ago, and it was by his friend, Ned Leeds when Peter left his house that night."

"Ned Leeds... Didn't we talk to him, Clint?"

"Yeah, we did. He was worried sick when he found out that Peter is missing. Nobody from his class seemed to know he was missing, all thought he was sick or something." Natasha picks up the tablet she wrote everything onto and swipes it the Tonys screen.

"That's a lot of information." there was over 400 pages of information from about 30 kids from Peters class. 

"Mr.Sta- It- Karen-" is heard from the speakers. Tony whips around and starts talking into the microphone.

"Karen?" everybody is quiet, not daring to even move.

"Mr.Stark- you tri- tact me-"

"Karen, I can't really understand you, is it possible for you to fix your settings?"

"Y- s."

"Great, just go into your settings, and change your speaking back to normal."

"Done. Mr.Stark, you tried to contact me?"

"Yes, Karen. Are you with Peter right now?"

"No, Mr.Stark, I am not." Tony sighs in frustration along with everybody else in the room. "I was taken away from him after Peter was knocked out cold and taken away."

"Did they take you with them?"

"I am guessing so, Mr.Stark. From what I recall of the event, we were taken in a bus, and later onto a plane. From what information I can gather right now we seem to be somewhere in or near Sokovia."



Everything underlined is what Karen says, to not confuse it with anybody else.

601 words

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