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He doesn't know what memes and vines are, but if they're going to kill them, he was going to stay out of their way.  

By now it had been two days since Shuri and T'challa arrived, (Peter was staying at the tower for the summer break) and the Avengers were tired. Tired of the combination of Shuri and Peter. Tired of the 'this bitch empty, yeet!' that came with throwing every empty bottle away, tired of the phrase 'road work ahead? I sure hope it does!' whenever they were driving and there happened to be a road work sign that they passed, tired of all the laughter, screaming and yelling from the two. 

"T'challa, when are you two planning on leaving?" Bucky questions as the two teenagers leave to go to Peters lab after insisting on covering Bucky's arm in magnets and then proceeding to do so. 

"I'm planning on leaving tomorrow morning, and Shuri is supposed to be leaving with me, but she doesn't want to leave. Of course I would leave her here to get some silence in the house, but shes my sister, and she has responsibilities in Wakanda, and im sure that you guys wouldnt want to have her here for another 2 weeks." T'challa looks over at Bucky and he nods, and then starts to take off the magnets from his left arm, but stops. "You arent gonna take those off?"

Bucky shakes his head. "I'd rather have an arm covered in plums and Avengers than a constant reminder of my past." T'challa nods in understanding.


Peter and Shuri were scared. For the first time in those two days that Shuri had been at the tower, there was complete silence in Peters lab. 

"We should take that test again, maybe its false." Shuri says. Peter just nods in agreement. Shuri takes another sample of Peters blood and analyses it by herself, Peter being too shocked to do anything. "Well, shit." Peter looks up at Shuri, and she looks sad. "It still says that your blood toxication is 28% and increasing." he looks back down at his hands in his lap.

"Im dying." Peter says with a chuckle and then stands up. "Can you believe it? Im dying. Spiderman is dying."

"Peter, there's more to you than just Spiderman." Shuri says, voice quivering. Her best friend was dying.

"A building fell on me, and I'm still alive, my homecoming dates father tried to kill me, I'm still alive," Peter sits down but continues talking. "and now some fucking unknown toxin has somehow entered my blood and I'm dying because of it." he rests his head in his arms as he feels a tear slip down his face.

"Peter..." Shuri takes Peter into her embrace and runs her hand down his back in a circling motion. "We'll find a cure for you. It's going to be okay." she felt her shirt dampen with Peters tears as she was about to cry herself. She didn't know if there was going to be any cure for this, but she was going to try. She was going to try her best and if Peter died she was going to feel guilty for it because she couldn't find a cure.

"I don't want to die Shuri..."Peter says muffled through his cries. Shuri just sighs and keeps rubbing Peters back, feeling more tears slip from her eyes.

"I don't want you to die either..." she finally gives in and breaks down just like Peter, and so they cry into each other's shoulders.


I made this one shorter because I feel like that's a good place to end the chapter.

Do you know what Im doing with this book? Because I dont. Seriously. I have no clue what I'm doing please help me

I'm just listening to depressing songs and I guess that depressive songs + trying to write a chapter turns into this.

578 words

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