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"It has been reported that the aircraft which was flying the king of Wakanda, the princess of Wakanda, and supposedly Spiderman, is missing. The aircraft was supposed to..." They all zoned out and looked at each other with one word in mind.



Shuri wakes up in a dark room, cuffed to a wall, and not being able to see very far ahead of her, maybe about a foot or so. The sudden light that enters the room when the lights above her are turned on frighten her for a moment, but when she looks to her left, she notices her brother in a cell next to her, cuffed to a wall as well. "Brother?" she says, alerting T'challa and his head turns to her in a second.

"Shuri," T'challa scans the room. "Where is Peter?" Shuri looks everywhere the light illuminates the room to, but she doesn't notice Peter anywhere.

"I don't know," she answers with tears starting to form in her eyes. T'challa is about to say something else, when suddenly a very bright light turns on, revealing Peter, strapped to a chair, passed out. "PETER!" she yells out, but instead of a reply from Peter, she is greeted with laughter. She glances at T'challa, who is just looking around in confusion. A door opens, and a man walks out of it, followed by a bunch of others two seconds later.

"Hello, Shuri and T'challa. We didn't want to have anybody witness this, but decided that you should see your friend over here" he gestures to Peter. "suffer." Shuri has already tears spilling out, so she holds back a sob when one of the guys slaps Peter right across the cheek, waking him up. "By the way, just so you know, I'm Dr. Serphent. If you ever need anything, just ask me." he turns around to face the others and a barely conscious Peter. "Go and get the arm, we're actually removing his arm now. The cast was pointless." Shuri gasps as some of the guys leave and as Peter gets laid down on a table, having absolutely no power over what he's going to go through. Shuri lets out a whimper and that's when he notices Shuri and T'challa, finally seeing straight.

"Shuri!" Peter yells out and frowns when he hears her whimper. "Don't cry, it's going to be okay. We're going to get out of here, I promise." Shuri nods her head up and down, looking down at the ground to not see Peter suffer as two guys come back with a metal arm, and Dr. Serphent injects something into Peters' arm. Peter groans as his arm numbs, leaving his spidey sense tingling in the back of his mind. He knows something bad is going to happen so he glances over at Shuri and T'challa and sighs when he sees them both not looking at him.

The numbing didn't really do anything to him, because when the Dr started to cut into his arm, he could feel it all. The only thing being he couldn't scream. He wanted to, but he couldn't. He couldn't scream, he couldn't cry, all he could do was stare at the ceiling emotionless, while his arm was being amputated, hoping, that Tony would find him soon.


"Have you got any coordinates, Natasha?" Nat just sighs and shakes her head, continuing the search. "Have you checked the satellite footage from that day?" she nods and Tony groans.

"I'm going to look over it again, and if there isn't anything in the SHIELD database, I don't think we can find them, Tony."

"It's all my fault. It's my fault that they're gone." Steve stands up from where he was sitting, and walks over to Tony, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"No, it's not, there's nothing you could have done." Tony pulls away.

"But there is! I could have kept him here, and then Shuri and T'challa would be fine also! I was the one who came up with the idea of sending him to Wakanda." Steve shakes his head and sighs. About to say something, Natasha interrupts.

"I found something!"


This is basically just a filler because I'm still sick and my brain can't really function enough to write a full-on detailed-ass chapter

678 words

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