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This is one of the longest chapters in this whole book :))
You're welcome.

Steve rushes downstairs to Tony's lab and bursts right through the glass door. Peter jolted awake and fell off to the ground since he fast barely even hanging onto Tony and the latter awoke from the bang that came from Peter hitting the ground. "What the fuck?" Peter exclaimed as he looked up at Steve. "This is not normal." he rubbed his eyes.

"Jesus kid, you alright?" Tony asked, noticing how Peter had been the cause of the sound, and then looking up to see the glass door shattered on the ground. "Oh my god, Steve! My fucking door is broken you piece of inconsiderate shit!"

"Geez, who put salt in your pudding?" Steve asked raising his eyebrow.

"Clint!" Peter burst out laughing at the fact that someone had actually put salt in Tony's pudding. Wow. "Do you actually have a reason you broke my door or were you just bored?" Peter was still laughing on the ground.

"I actually have a reason. Fury called, he wants a meeting with us and Peter." Peter stopped laughing and sat up, his face turning serious. "We should go right away." Tony and Peter looked at eachother and stood up within a second and ran out the door. Steve rushed out after them.


"He has to go to school."

"What?" Peter asked. "But, I'm not ready." Fury looked at him.

"Look, Peter, I'm sorry, but the government knows you're here. Someone also has to adopt you or you're going to an orphanage. I don't have a say in any of this." Peter looked down at the table.

"When do I start?" he asks after a while, looking back up.

"Tomorrow, that's when it would be best. Your friends MJ and Ned are probably going to be happy about you being back."

"Shouldn't I be in a year lower that I'm supposed to be given my situation?"

"No, you're smart enough. Now, as I said before, someone needs to adopt you. I don't think that an orphanage would let you be out as long as you are as Spider-man." Fury says, and Peter let's out a deep breath. Nobody will want him, and he'll have to go to an orphanage and he won't have anyone to talk to anymore and-

"I'll adopt him." Peters' head flies up.

"Tony, I don't think he would really like that, plus what about Pepper and her opinion?" Peter looks over at Bucky as he talks.

"No Bucky, shut up. I want Tony to adopt me, and I don't care if Pepper agrees or not." he looks back at Tony and smiles. "I think he would be a great father." Tony smiles back at him. Peter looks over at Fury. "Sho- should I go and get textbooks?" Fury nods. "Okay, I'm off then."

"Wait Peter, what about your arm?" Loki asks, surprised he was the only one concerned about that. "Everybody will see it if you dont cover it, and I dont think you can wear gloves at school all the time." Peter looks hopefully at Tony.

"I-I mean, I can try to make something to cover it, but I just might have to contact T'challa and Shuri because thats more of their area of work and-"

Suddenly something tings in his mind. "SHIT I HAVENT CALLED SHURI YET!" and Peter was out of the door in a second.

"Yeah I'll call T'challa." Tony said, taking out his phone and dialling the king of Wakanda.


Peter rushes through his bedroom door (actually opening it not like Steve) and jumped on his bed while grabbing his phone. He quickly pressed call on Shuris contact and a hologram popped up because technology. In an instant Shuris face popped up on the screen. "PETER!" she yelled.

"SHURI!"he yells back.

"Oh my god Peter! I didnt think I'd ever hear from you again! Wait, you do remember me like, all in all right?"

"I remember as much of you as I got reminded of when I heard your name. Like, you're my best friend... I think, and you're an absolute genius." Peter answered her, quite hesistantly. Shuris eyes lit up in joy, and her smile grew big.

"Yeah. That's who I am." And looked down at the ground, her smile not leaving her face. "Anyway, I made you a little something. I knew you have to go to school soon," Peter cut in and said tomorrow, "okay, tomorrow. Anyway as I was talking, I made you a human hand cover for your metal arm!" she exclaimed holding the thin material up. "It's quite see-through and large right now, but later when it's actually on it will take the full color of your skin and the shape of your arm, like-" she puts the hand on her own, and in an instant it goes tightly around her arm and it doesn't look fake whatsoever. "this. It's really comfortable and easy to use. You'll figure it out." Peters eyes widen.

"Hey! I'm a genius too!" he exclaims loudly pointing his hands towards himself. "I'm not stupid." he adds muttering and crossing his arms.

Shuri raises her arms, surrendering. "Okay, okay! Geez. I thought you might not have all your smarts. Afterall, I don't really believe you." Peters head flies up.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?" he yells, making Shuri smile.

"I AIN'T CALLING YOU A TRUTHER!" she yells back, laughing. When her laughter dies down she notices Peter looking confused. "You do remember what vines are, right?"

"Umm, what? Vines?" he asks, confused. Shuris mouth falls wide open.

"Okay, I have to get on a plane a fly over to New York. Facing my fear of flying is a priority now in order to show you what vines are." Peter laughed.

"I know what vines are, you dummy." he responded, making Shuri smirk as she finally took off the cast on her arm.

"Who's the hottest uber driver you've ever had?" she asks.

"Umm, I've never been to oovoo javer." he answers, chewing on imaginary gum. She claps and laughs in joy.

"Yes Peter, yes!" They both start laughing. T'challa then walks in through the door to Shuris room.

Shuri you have to make Peter a cast." Shuri holds the thin material up.

"Way ahead of you." an T'challa walks out muttering something about Shuri 'always thinking ahead' and 'knowing what she has to do before she's told anything'. She turns back to Peter and smiles. "I'm sending this over. Should be there by tomorrow or today's evening." Peter nods and tells her something about how he has to go, and needing books for school. "Right. Bye!" she waves at him and he waves back, before ending the call.

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