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 They have not a single trace of Peter. What if they don't find him?  


Peter was sat down in a chair, and strapped into it. He struggled against them, he didn't want to be here anymore. They cut off his hand, and then just take him somewhere and leave his friends behind? That's not how things are supposed to be.

"Peter, Peter, Peter. You have no reason to struggle." now that was a voice he hadn't heard before. If it wasn't Dr. Serphent, then who was it? "You may wonder who I am, but I won't reveal my identity to you." the more he talked the more Peter felt like he knows who it is, even though he has never heard it before. "You must know it yourself, the injection should be spread enough." the man steps out from the shadows, revealing a tall man, dressed in all black, with an evil grin on his face. Peter studies him for a bit, and then it comes to him.

"You're Master." the grin on his face grows even more as Peter says this, the serum is working. Peter presses the gadget in his wrist and his eyes widen a bit when he sees the percentage. "99%..." he mumbles to himself, the hologram disappearing when he removes his fingers. He feels himself stiffen, and his confused gaze turns into a neutral one.

"Who are you?" Peter looks straightforward without blinking, no emotion seen on his face.

"I am the Winter Spider." the man walks forward, hands behind his back, the tail of his coat moving in the wind created from walking.

"Who do you work for?" the man stops on Peters right side.

"HYDRA." the grin on the man's face gets wider. He has almost accomplished his mission. He walks around the boy, stopping in front of him, and bowing to his level.

"Avengers." Peter stays the same. "Steve Rogers." nothing. "Natasha Romanoff." still, nothing. The man reads out all of the Avengers, and Peter stays still at all, but one. "Tony Stark." Peters flinches, his eyes get a bit glossy. "Dammit," he mutters. "Inject him again. Double the amount." Dr. Serphent appears in front of him, with a syringe.

"Hello, Peter." he flinches at the mention of his name, and Dr.Serphent injects him with the serum. A few seconds later, Peter falls limp in the chair, passed out.


"Shuri, do you know anything?" Natasha asks her once more, but she just keeps crying and shaking her head. T'challa looks up.

"They cut off his arm." Bucky is sitting a bit farther away from them, but upon hearing that walks over. "They cut off his, left arm I think, but I don't know what else they did since they took us to those other cells." They all nod in understanding, but Bucky walks closer to him and crouches down.

"Did you listen to anything they were saying?" T'challa nods, glancing over at Shuri. "Let's go somewhere else. Just tell me everything." they both stand up and walk out of the medical bay, to the nearest empty room. "Spill," Bucky says, leaning against a wall.

"There was this guy, said his name was Dr. Serphent or something. He then mentioned an arm, and that the cast was pointless so they're removing it this time. I also noticed that when he cut Peter's arm, he didn't even flinch." Bucky had been looking down at the ground the whole time, but now looks up. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just that I didn't think Peter wouldn't even flinch. Yeah, I thought he might not scream as much because I've seen him get hurt before, but not even flinch? That's just insane." he says shaking his head. T'challa sighs. "Do you know anything else?"

"No, not really. I did hear a faint scream after they had taken us away, but after that, it was silence again." Bucky nods, and they leave the room. "So we don't have a trace on Peter."

"No, but I'll have someone do a check on that guy, Dr. Serphent you said? Yeah, that guy. Maybe we could get some useful information out of that." T'challa nods and when they reach the others again, Tony and Bruce had gone down to Bruce's lab to check the blood sample Tony took. "Natasha?" she looks up at him from her tablet where she had been looking over any footage there might be. "Can you search Dr. Serphent from SHIELDs database?" she nods and begins typing.

"Okay, his full name is Abner Nero Serphent, born in 1968, making him currently 50 years old, he was last seen in Arnis, which is part of the Amt Kappeln-Land in the district of Schleswig-Flensburg, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He has no known relatives."

"And when was this updated?" Bucky asks, and Natasha looks up at him.

"Less than a minute ago."


Yeah, this chapter. I don't like it. But it's gonna have to do, for now, I'm not rewriting it.

I don't know when this book will end, all I know is that it might not have a happy ending. I'm not sure yet, so we'll just have to wait and see :)) About the ending thing though, I feel like I'm going to end this soon, maybe like 5-6 chapters more. But that's just maybe. It could be more or less, I don't know.

I have no idea what to write for the next chapter so if anyone could help me, it would be appreciated :))

809 words

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