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"I found something!"

"What?" Tony and Steve yell in unison, waking Sam and making him fall to the floor from where he had fallen asleep on the couch. "What did you find?" Steve and Tony trot over to Nat.

"The footage of the plane." Sam hears this and rushes over to the three. "I contacted NASA to see if they have any footage that SHIELD doesn't have, and they happily agreed to lend me the footage in their best quality, since so important people are currently missing because of the supposed crash." Tony nods.

"What does the footage show?" Sam asks, and Natasha turns the computer towards them so that they can see for themselves. It shows the plane landing, completely normally, like making an emergency landing.

"I don't understand, why didn't Peter notify us?" Steve wonders and Natasha lets out a hum.

"Keep watching." The footage keeps going as Natasha follows the plane onto the ground, and they can see they landed somewhere in Germany. Trucks instantly near the plane and Peter, Shuri and T'challa are all escorted out and into trucks, hands tied behind their backs, cloth wrapped around their eyes. The pilots get out as well, leaving to go somewhere. The plane gets back into the air, probably on auto-pilot and heads toward the ocean. A few minutes later, it crashes into the water. "The trucks headed underground so I don't know where they went, but I'm guessing they're somewhere in Germany because that's where the plane landed."

"That's a start. Let's go and talk to Fury about this, maybe SHIELD has found something too." before Tony can walk away, Steve grabs his hand.

"Tony, it's 3 am, get some sleep, we all should." Tony wants to protest but decides better against it. He'll be more productive when he has actual energy and isn't running on caffeine. He sighs and nods. Steve lets go of his hand and makes sure to have FRIDAY not let Tony go anywhere else than his floor for the night. Once FRIDAY has agreed he turns to Natasha. "Alright, where are they?"


Because Shuri wouldn't stop crying Dr. Serphent had her and her brother taken away about an hour ago since she was distracting him, leaving Peter there, his arm being cut off, not knowing where his best friend and T'challa were being taken, but he thought that it would be better if they didn't see him in pain. He glanced over at his left arm and saw that they were only about halfway done- they had been doing that for at least two hours. From what he knows an amputation should take about 45 minutes, but considering they weren't using the right equipment he wasn't surprised they weren't done yet. He was also surprised that whatever they injected into him that made him unable to feel anything else except pain, hadn't worn off yet.

He tried to concentrate on anything besides the pain, but it is so damn dominant, that's where all his focus was. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't very bearable either. He was sure that without the injection before, he would be either screaming or passed out from the pain right now since he was sure the pain would be much worse without it. He was still hoping that Tony and the others hadn't given up on them, but knowing his da- Tony, not dad, he keeps telling himself, Tony, he would stop until he found them.

"Peter?" Serphent says his name in such a venomous way, that he wants to gag. "The next bit is going to hurt, though I should tell you." Peters eyes widen as he brings out a big-ass knife, smiles crazily, and slams it through the remainder of what was left of his arm, and for the first time that night, Peter screams in pain.

Shuri hears a scream coming from somewhere, instantly knowing its Peter. She has just stopped crying, and now she was letting out sobs again. She can't seek comfort in her brother either since they took him somewhere else, so she just sits in her cell, knees pulled up to her chin and crying. She had never admitted to herself that she was scared before, but now she did. She knew she was scared, heck, she was terrified. Terrified of what might happen to her, to her brother, terrified of what was happening to Peter at this very moment, that she was in a cell, completely unable to help. Then she remembered. They didn't take off her kimoyo beads. "Why didn't I think of that earlier?" she whispers to herself as she sends a message FRIDAY -her kimoyo beads are contacted to her- with her coordinates she got from her GPS and a message telling them what she knows about Peter and T'challa. Slumping down against the wall she just hopes it will send faster than it usually does this far away from Wakanda.


"Where are they, Nat?" Steve asks for the 5th time that hour, and it's 6 am. Meaning he had been asking that from Natasha and Sam both for three hours.

"I don't know Steve, you should sleep." she answers, giving him the same answer as before. Steve groans, walking around the room. She abruptly stands up, her chair falling over. "Steve. GO to sleep. You need it. You sent Tony to sleep, he went to sleep. Sam is asleep too! So if you don't go right now I'm going to-" she gets interrupted by FRIDAY.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've got an urgent message from Shuri." both Natashas and Steves eyes widen, and she rushes to press the alarm button that alerts all the Avengers of an urgent meeting.


I'm getting better from my sickness, but I'm also going back to school tomorrow, so that's totally nice (sarcasm included). I hate making Peter suffer but gotta do it for the plot to continue

What am I saying I don't even have a plot since chapter 8 like seriously I'm improvising here help I even forgot of Peter having something in his blood so well that's nice

939 words

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