Chapter 44- Meeting some Pirates... again?!

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Juli ripped herself out of her memories and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at her nakama, who were all chattering cheerfully. She smiled in fondness and another memory, she didn't want to share with her nakama yet, popped up in her mind. That memory happened not too long ago, when she was 16 years old.


Two years ago, on a little boat...

The boat was sailing peacefully over the ocean. The soft sea breeze caught the flag on the mast of the boat and let the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates flutter proudly in the wind.

Inside the boat...

Thatch hummed as he cut some vegetables on the kitchen counter. "Ah~. I hope as soon as we come back, Oyaji will let us get some rest. I really need to relax sometimes~ What do you guys think?" He looked at his two crewmates, who completed the mission with him and who were now sitting on the table in the little kitchen of this boat. His eyebrow began to twitch as he noticed that Ace was laying on the table, deep asleep, while snoring loudly and Marco was studying the newspaper, clearly not listening to him. "Oi, Marco, I thought at least you would listen to me~" Thatch whined in mock-hurt.

Marco didn't even look up from his newspaper as Thatch placed breakfast in front of him. "Thatch, you know that I like to study the newspaper when we were on a mission for a few weeks. So, please shut up-yoi."

Thatch just rolled his eyes at that. "Of course, birdie has to know what's going on in the world, so he can take off and fly again..." He muttered to himself.

Marco heard that but chose to ignore it, so he could read the news in peace.

Thatch looked at the sleeping Ace and suddenly an idea stroke his head. "I know, I know!~" He shouted cheerily and placed a plate full of breakfast and meat in front of Ace. He grinned mischievously. "Let's see how long the kid needs to notice the food in front of him and wake up." He chuckled and began to count. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six-"

Just then, Ace sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. "Omh... mit's breakmfast malready..." He mumbled sleepily and digged into the food in front of him.

Thatch began to laugh loudly at that with tears in his eyes. "Pfft... Hahaha! So hilarious! Man, you really love food more than sleeping, huh, Ace?"

"What do you mean?" Ace just looked at Thatch in confusion, while some food was hanging out of his mouth.

Thatch tried to hold in his laughter at how ridiculous Ace was looking right now. "Pfft-... N-Nothing... pfft-"

A few minutes later, Ace looked at the empty plate before him and then looked at Marco's full plate. Marco was still studying the newspaper with a thoughtful expression, not even noticing the breakfast in front of him.

"Oi, birdie, can I eat your food? I'm sure you don't want this, because this isn't bird food, right?" Ace smiled at him tauntingly and his hand made its way towards Marco's plate, to snatch some food off it.

Thatch chuckled loudly at that. "True, birdie. Better hurry up and give the kid your food before he decides to eat you too."

Ace and Thatch broke out laughing at that and rolled around the ground while clutching their stomachs, their running gag with bird jokes, because of Marco's Devil Fruit never growing old.

𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (A One Piece Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now