Chapter 85- Escalation of things!

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Chapter 85- Escalation of things! The time of the war is near!

"W-What do you mean with 'there's going to be a war'?!" Juli asked them in shock and utter worry.

Shanks sighed softly. "Portgas D. Ace was captured by the marines, who then announced his public executation in order to declare war on the Whitebeard Pirates. It's going to be a gruesome battle, both of the sides will probably not give up until they made sure they wiped out the other side."

"Ace was captured?! He's going to be executed?!" Juli held a hand before her mouth in shock. "T-That can't be! …." She bit hardly on her lip. '…Lu….'

Shanks looked at her softly. "You know him?"

Juli shook her head. "Not very well. I got to meet him once briefly when he, Marco and Thatch visited Seinaru. B-But this is not what concerns me…" She clenched her fist. "Ace is Lu's big brother! Do you know what this means when he finds out about this?!" She shouted upset.

Shanks expression grew to a grim one at that. "Yes, I know. But there's nothing I can do for now. Being a Yonko myself means I can't just easily join Whitebeard. Besides, the old man is too stubborn to even accept my help."

Juli bit on her lip at that, feeling really troubled with this turn of things. "…But there has to be something we can do!"

Shanks sighed at that and run his hand through his hair. "Yes, but it is not much. We will hinder Kaido from wiping Whitebeard's allies out and tell him not to get involved in this mess. That's why we are on our way to negotiate with him in the first place."

Juli stared to the ground at that. "And there's really nothing we can do to stop this madness?"

Shanks shook his head sadly and seriously. "No. I'm sorry, my little princess."

Juli sighed sadly. "I see… I guess that means we have to let things play out then." '…Lu. I just hope you're going to be alright.'

Shanks nodded at that. "But well, brighten up for now Juli. I'm sure everything will turn out okay in the end. For now, let's get you to bed, I'm sure it was an exhausting day for you."

"Yes. You're right." Juli said thoughtfully and followed after her father as he led her to his private cabin so she could sleep in there. But even when her father was being optimistic, Juli couldn't shake off this sickening feeling that grew in the pit of her stomach. But she ignored it for the time being and went to bed, way too exhausted from what just happened this day to stay awake any longer.

Shanks watched how his daughter feel asleep and sighed softly. He didn't want to drag his daughter into this mess, but there just was no other way now. No one can stop this upcoming fight that will define their current era. Shanks silently got up and walked outside, where Ben was already waiting for him. "Alright, now get the crew to sober up, we will reach Wano Kuni in a few hours." He told his first mate seriously.

Ben just smirked at that. "Already done Captain."

Shanks raised an eyebrow at that and looked over to his crew, who was sitting groaning and wet on the floor, mumbling something about sadistic first mate. The red haired captain sweat dropped at that. "Do I even wanna know what you did?"

𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (A One Piece Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now