Chapter 83- The identity of the mysterious man?!

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Chapter 83- The identity of the mysterious man?! Juli disappears from the archipelago!

"Oh no, no, no. I should be the one to apologize for running over a lady..." The man, Juli had bumped into, rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed and chuckled nervously, what sounded so beautiful to Juli's ears. "So, I sincerely apologize, miss. Let me help you to stand up as apology." He smiled at her and extended his hand to her.

Juli blinked at that in surprise and smiled back at the man towering over her. She took his hand and so the man helped her to stand back up. "No worries-" Juli froze in mid-sentence stunned, as she finally could get a good look at man in front of her, who had to be about the size of Aokiji. But that was not what surprised her so much as she studied the appearance of the stranger... He had short, curly hair that was colored in a beautiful blonde-golden tone, which looked like honey when the sun hit the man's curls. He had a very fair skin tone that complimented his unbelievable clear, vivid blue eyes as well as his charming, bright smile. The man was wearing a loose, open white shirt, that complimented his well-toned chest. He also wore loose, rolled-up light blue trouser and white sneakers as well as a golden, simple necklace. All in all, Juli would definitely admit that the man in front of her was gorgeous, but that was not what stunned her or really intrigued her.... What made her feel confused and in awe was the fact that the man was just so...bright? It was just like there was a radiating bright aura of light that was surrounding the man, but not visible to her eyes. As soon as that thought shot into her head, a weird familiar feeling built up at the pit of her stomach, making her feel dizzy and shake her head to dispel the dizziness, tho the feeling of familiarity stayed. "Excuse me if I sound rude, but did we meet before?" Juli asked the stranger thoughtfully, not being able to figure out why he felt familiar and also... why he was just so bright and full of light.

The man blinked at that before smiling charmingly. "I don't believe we have. Uh, how rude of me to not introduce myself. My name is Sancti Soriel. It's nice to meet you, miss."

Juli's eyes widened at that in surprise and she titled her head thoughtfully. 'Soriel...? He has the same name as Seinaru's patriot and alleged Archangel.... What a weird, but interesting coincidence.' She smiled cheerily. "It's very nice to meet you, Soriel-san. I'm Kurama Juli."

Soriel's smile widened at that. "What a lovely name that is, Juli-chan. But anyway...What brings you to this island? Are you also here to visit the amusement park?" He asked her intrigued, but by the mention of amusement park, his eyes started to gleam in childish excitement, looking for a split second like a little boy that wants to go on a ferris wheel for the first time ever.

Juli giggled amused at that. "No, I'm visiting this island with my nakama." Her smile saddened a bit at that.

Soriel frowned at that as he noticed it. "Did something happen?" He asked her worried.

Juli shook her head softly at that. "No, it's nothing really... We just got separated. No need to worry, Soriel-san." She told him evasive.

Soriel nodded thoughtfully at that. "I see..." He decided not to press any further and continued to do some casual small talk with Juli, really enjoying talking to her, tho that did not surprise him.

Juli smiled as she talked to Soriel...and even when she just met him a few moments ago, she oddly felt at ease near him... Well, that was until she felt a strong presence pop up by where she felt her nakama as well as Kizaru and Rayleigh were earlier. She narrowed her eyes in confusion and her head snapped in that direction. '...Kuma-kun?! What is he doing there-' Her eyes widened in shock and she stumbled back a bit horrified as she felt how Zoro's presence...just vanished. It was just there a second ago, but then gone... Nothing...Zoro just was gone. "W-What is going on...?!" She gasped out.

𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (A One Piece Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now