Chapter 5 | Always (1)

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*Trigger warning. Details at the end of the chapter. It is fairly obvious when it occurs so you can feel free to skip*

The letter was demonic. I was sure that it had been sent by a demon. There was no other explanation for it.

"Athena." Levi's voice was full of caution as he approached me.

I ignored him and re-read the monstrosity in my hands.

To Hanako Birra,

You do not know me but I know of you. As I'm sure you are aware, your mother was very sick and needed immediate care.
The man who contacted me, a grumpy fellow I'm ashamed to say, made me aware of her condition and I brought her into my care.
Now that she is regaining strength, I'm delighted to let you know that we are getting married, and that you are invited-

The paper tore in two. That woman- There was a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

"Tch, brat, you're going to-" I whirled on him.

"What have I told you about calling me that!" But Levi didn't flinch. He didn't back away or show any sign of fear.

"You're over reacting."

"Over reacting?!" I replied incredulously.

"Yes. You haven't seen her for nine years and she obviously doesn't want to be a part of your life so why make a big deal of what she's done with hers?" Levi was my voice of reason but this time he failed to get through to me.

"Because she deserves nothing more than to rot in a pit without a soul to talk to!" I didn't give him a chance to say anymore. I stormed out the house needing to walk, run, fight, do anything but stay in a confined area.

As I left I heard voices talking.

"She's leaving again?"

"If it's what calms her down."

"But Levi-bro, shouldn't you go after her?"

"Tch, I'm not stupid. She'll definitely end up getting herself hurt..." Their voices grew fainter as I drew away from our home. Home. That's what it was now, a place where the four of us lived together and we were happy.

But Levi was right, I was looking for a fight. And if there wasn't one, I would start one. My anger fuelled me through the city, keeping me going down the filthy streets. Yet it was my anger that stopped me from seeing the group of men following me until it was too late.


Levi muttered to himself, cursing Athena for running off again. It wasn't that he was worried about her getting lost or killed, it was more that she was probably going to get herself in a fight that she'd be hard pushed to win.

She always did something like that when she was stressed, worked up or upset. It was her way of coping. But this time was worse than he'd ever seen her. Levi had opened the letter before Athena did, reading it through with growing frustration for his years long companion, knowing that she would stop at nothing to ease her frustrations.

Companion. Was that what she was? Or was it something more? Farlan and Isabel had been hinting at it for a while, trying to get any information on the subject out of Levi.

And though he stubbornly refused or brushed off their words, Levi couldn't help but consider it. There was always a yearning to protect her, not necessarily from physical terrors because Athena could stop those easily enough, but from the monsters in her mind. Because just as they haunted him, they stalked her.

But there was also something else. Levi was closer to her than anyone else in his life and he was sure that if she was taken from him, the one that taught him, protected him, and practically raised him to the person he was today, nothing in the world would stop him from getting her back.

Silent Howl (AOT Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED CAUSE I SUCKWhere stories live. Discover now