Chapter 4 | Undertstanding (1)

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The underground was quiet today, though it was quiet most days. Sitting on a roof, I was waiting for my informants to pass any information on.

Over the years I had collected a rather large spiderweb of whispers throughout the city that kept me up to date with almost everything down here. Kenny had deemed it to be quite useful, that is until he abandoned us.

Though Kenny leaving was a shock to us, I had decided that we were better off without him anyway. I now had nothing to be afraid of anymore, at least, that's what I told myself.

A kid ran down an alley below me and threw a stone up in the air, bumping into a wall as he carried on out of sight.

My heart started pounding and I let out a string of soft curses. The child had been a whisper of mine and that was a signal. Something was happening back at the house and they didn't know if it was bad or not.

My gear was back at home so I chose the fastest option and let shadows engulf me.


"...hand her over to us, you'll be sorry if you cover for her. After all she tried to get passed the 11th Stairway without paying!"

Voices echoed down the street and got clearer as I neared the house. Someone tried to get above ground? I didn't know what was going on so I slowed to a walk and rose to two feet.

"You guys should know this, the 11th Stairway is under the jurisdiction of one of the nobles, Lobov. Anyone who tries to pass there without paying is prosecuted,"  There were three men stood outside the door blocking my view inside.

"Of course, you guys will be charged too for being her accomplices," one of them said. "If you get it, hurry up and hand her over!"

"I don't care anymore. Move away from her," the fatter guy growled, climbing up the steps. I chose that moment to emerge from the streets shadows.

"What's going on here?" The three thugs turned at my voice, bewilderment on their faces.

Now that they moved, I could see Levi and Farlan stood guarding the door and a young girl on the floor behind them. I walked up closer to them but didn't get far as two of the three blocked my way.

"This doesn't concern you little lady." One stepped towards me further and laid his hands on my waist, pushing me against the wooden stair rail.

Without warning a knife embedded into the wood and quivered there. I grabbed it and in a split second the man was backing away from me at knife point. "Touch me like that again, and I'll gut you like a fish."

Fear leeched off him, a full and foul stench. "Shit, alright. Just calm down and-" His voice rose to a squeak as I pressed harder against his throat, drawing blood ever so slightly.

"These guys are dangerous. Let's get out of here."

As they turned around I called out at their fleeing forms, "Fucking good riddance!"

It was then that I turned my attention to my friends, and the girl. She was slight, with bright red ponytails and teal eyes that shone with fire.

"You can let it go now." Farlan said.

The girl didn't move so Levi added, "It'll die if you hold it like that."

The girl gasped and opened her hands revealing a small bird. "I thought it would be warm." She still sat on the floor so I beckoned to pass the creature to me.

In a flourish, the bird was nestled in my hands and the girl was on her feet. "I was going to bring it back to the surface." She continued.

Farlan looked at her, eyes wide. "Don't tell me you tried to break into the Stairway just to let it out?"

Silent Howl (AOT Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED CAUSE I SUCKWhere stories live. Discover now