Chapter 10 | Better (2)

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It was odd not having to take my antidote. I was used to it's bitter taste, the way it thickened down my throat as I swallowed. Not in a 'damn I want this shitty stuff again' way, but my body had begun to become so used to it that part of me yearned for it.

Of course I dismissed that notion very quickly. The stuff felt like I was drinking snot from- eugh. I shivered at the thought.

Two days had passed since I was put in the cell. I was fairly sure that the meeting had finished and they were leaving me in here for spite but... I sighed.

Guards passed by the barred wall of my cell and further down into the dungeon. There was no privacy in these holdings, just an alcove with a toilet and sink so I was marginally relieved when there was no one opposite me.

It wasn't long before the guards returned leading a tall man and depositing him in the cell opposite me. Great. I just had to jinx it didn't I.

The uniformed guards left with a clang and the halls softened into silence. The two cells up this end were nearest the door- probably for inmates transferring, under review, or waiting for the knoll to start ringing.

"God, the air's sweeter up here." The voice across from me was light, like he was still cheerful despite the dreary circumstances. I snorted.

He looked over to me. "My my, you look glum." This time I turned towards him and was confronted with an amused expression.

"Not much to be exited about down here."

He laughed. "Yeah well, if you keep thinking like that you'll get frown lines before you've hit fifty." I scowled at him. "Alright, sorry."

I couldn't see that much of him in the dim light, but I could tell that he had a mop of brown hair pulled back into a bun and a cheeky grin.

"So what are you in here for?" He asked. I hesitated. "That bad huh?"

"I killed a few people."

He chuckled. "Just a few, eh?"

"Maybe more than a few. People don't really like it when you do that."

His laugh echoed down the halls and his white teeth flashed. "Jack Engel, at your service."

"The name's Lune."

"Ahh, the dead woman. You look rather sprightly for a deceased assassin." I shrugged.

"Can't help that. Death just likes me a little too much I suppose, I give him lots of little gifts."

A toothy grin. "I like you."

There were a few loose stones around so I picked one up and threw it at his head through the bars, and less than a second later I heard a yelp across the hall.

"Geez, you're a bit of a grump aren't you."

"Yeah, well I'm a grump who doesn't like people prying into her business." Or space. Even across the hallway he was too loud.

"Alright," he raised his hands in a mock defeat. "How about I tell you a little about me, then we're even."

I had to admit, I was curious. "So what, murder, theft, rape?" The last one did make me shudder slightly but I grit my teeth and shoved those unwelcome thoughts down. It didn't work.

"Actually, some rich guy thought I was hitting on his woman and then set me up for fraud." I raised my brows.

"And were you?"

"Was I what?"

"Hitting on her?"

Jack huffed. "No. All I said was 'Ma'am, what a lovely dress, I'm sure you would look even lovelier in this one.' I was a fabric merchant, you see. That rich pig thought I was making a move on her and threatened me." I snarled and Jack nodded in response. "Yeah, I didn't like it either, and look where it got me. Heading straight for the gallows."

Silent Howl (AOT Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED CAUSE I SUCKWhere stories live. Discover now