Chapter 6 | Dark (1)

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What happened that day did scar me, I didn't expect otherwise, but my friends helped me through it. The nightmares got worse and happened much more frequently, but I also had waking nightmares, pictures in my head that drove me to panic.

But I began to heal. And Levi did wait. For almost a year, in fact. And I found that I had fallen in love with him as he had with me. Those next few months were happy, all four of us were a family and existed together.

The one year anniversary of Isabel joining us was coming up and I thought that a little something extra to spice up our day was in order. I was saving up my money for a present to give to Levi on his birthday but over the last few weeks I had also been doing up the alcove we all loved so much.

So whilst Levi, Farlan and Isabel were out looking for food, I brought everything we needed for a small get together up to that alcove. Once everything was ready I waited back at the house then ushered them back to the grate.

"This had better not be a prank. There's still glue in my hair from last time." Farlan said.

"Oh don't be a wuss, that was weeks ago."

"Whatever it is, I can't wait!" Isabels bright attitude never failed to make me smile.

"Alright, here we are." I stepped into the alcove first, followed by the other three.


"Big-sis, it's amazing!!"

I grinned. The time I had taken in here was spent laying mats down on the floor, hanging candles and pieces of fabric along the walls and guiding the vines from above down and threading in with everything else. It was, in a sense, magical.

There was a small table in the middle with the best variety of food I could find or steal and had been saving up for days.

Levi saw the table and looked at me, amusement clearly written in his face. "Yeah, that took forever to lug up here." Farlan laughed.

Without warning, Isabel barrelled me into a hug, followed by Farlan who then dragged Levi in from where he stood. "I love you guys!" Isabel squealed.

My heart warmed and I knew I was home. The smell and feel of these people just felt right.

The rest of the evening was perfect. The food was the best any of us had had in years, the fresh air from above us brought smiles to all of our faces and more importantly we spent it all together.

I spent most of it next to Levi, lying my head on his legs. The dynamic we had worked out between ourselves was a little haphazard, but then, when weren't things between us?

Soon the last rays of the sun painted the sky above us and brought forward the blanket of stars. By then we were getting tired so made our way back.

"Didn't we need to carry everything back?" Isabel asked as we neared the house.

I shook my head. "I'll come get it tomorrow."

"Tch, it'll get dirty." Levi ran a hand through his hair as he spoke.

"Levi, shorty, pipsqueak, bane of my life, it's already been up there for days. One more won't hurt it." I ruffled his hair, messing it up again and jogged forwards and turning round to face them.

"Besides, we have the rest of our lives down here." Isabel and Farlan laughed but Levi narrowed his eyes at me. Before I could tease him for being so uptight, a stricken light entered his eyes.

"Behind you Athena, watch out!" My body reacted on instinct but when the hands grabbed me and covered my mouth, my body locked down in panic and I froze.

A piece of fabric was in the persons hand and it began to lull me into submission. In my daze I could see Levi and the others rush towards me but more men jumped down in front of them, halting them in their tracks.

My limp body was being dragged backwards before being thrown over someone's shoulder and being carried from there.

Fight, I wanted to fight but the energy had left my body. I couldn't do anything. The cries of my friends and partner reached me before I got far though, and the desperation in their voices, in his voice brought on a frenzy inside my mind.

The effects of the drug started wearing off and my limbs began to move as I wanted them. Soon I was kicking and screaming at the men holding me captive and dragging me to who knows where.

Curses went up at my struggle but their grip was like iron. Cries of pain then hurried footsteps had the people carrying me running, but I would slow them down as much as I could.

I bit and clawed and struck out at them, wanting to cause as much pain as possible before they were done with me. Why they had grabbed me in front of others bewildered me but at that moment I didn't care.

Then we were going up and up. Familiar scenery surrounded me and I realised with dread where we'd ended up. Guards noticed the men, then me, but stood aside to avert their eyes and pretend they had not seen us.

Bastards! By then the fight was leaving me, adrenaline running out and I cast a desperate look back at the city. Amidst the lights three figures ran up to the Stairway.

My eyes flew wide. "LEVI!" It was a hoarse scream but he shoved past people only to be stopped by the guards then pulled away by Isabel and Farlan.

He was shouting but I couldn't hear him. A dark shadow cast over me and I drank in every detail of their faces, memorising every line and curve and stowing them away in my mind.

Then they were gone. The people had rounded a corner yet I started fighting again, making a racket. One man drew a shiny object and pointed it at me.

"Shut the fuck up or I shut you up!" I didn't listen.

"Whoa! We need her alive!"

"They never said unharmed though. Let me shut her up!"

"Stop!" The two men began to struggle but I didn't care. I just needed to get back to them, I needed-

Pain obliterated my mind as a gunshot rang through the empty hall and everything went dark.


This chapter is a bit shorter than the rest but that's because I did need to finish it there.

Why, you ask?

Because that concludes the first part of Athena's story. The next bit will be above ground and should be a similar length in chapters, but maybe a fair bit longer, depends on how I'm feeling.

As normal, no regrets will take place about a week after this chapter took place.

Also, in terms of speech, when it looks like this:-

"Levi, shorty, pipsqueak, bane of my life, it's already-"

And yada yada yada.

It's her talking normally in her human or humanoid form. But when the speech appears like this:-

"I'm not his messenger girl."

It's when she's in an animalistic or just non human form.

Also, I'm going to be pausing for a little longer than the usual week mainly because I'm writing a book with a friend of mine and though it's in the first plot development stage, it's coming along quickly.

Don't worry, I definitely will be updating soon just longer away than usual.

Any-who, I hope you're enjoying my story so far and don't forget to smile!!

See you in the next part!

Silent Howl (AOT Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED CAUSE I SUCKWhere stories live. Discover now