Chapter 23 | Complete Mess (3)

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"So he really said that?"

I nodded and shrunk into my shoulders a little.

"Why that little- I'll throttle him!"

Aren heard my sigh at her violent words and turned towards me. I let my had rest on the table now and mumbled through my hands. "I've already yelled at him. Twice. There's no point in doing anything else. Besides, I think I overreacted anyway."

"No you absolutely did not. And come on, stop being so nice to the guy who turned you into this mopey little whine-bag."

"Seriously though, Jack probably won't come near me for a while unless necessary." But I wasn't happy about it so I quietly muttered, "I will miss him though."

Aren huffed and sat heavily on the nearest piece of furniture, which happened to be a rather uncomfortable looking foot stool. "You're so stubborn Thena, and not in a good way either."

A glance was enough to let her know what I was thinking. I didn't say those words though, instead rising to my feet and patting down my uniform.

"Come on, were going to be late for training."

"Great, I always love it when we have to do hand to hand. With you. And Levi. The best combination." The frown on her face clearly embodied her resentment towards the upcoming activity. "But don't think I'm letting this conversation drop. I need to have some words with that dickwad."

"I'm sure you do Aren. Let's get going."

My new cadets were all lined up next to Levi's team, the only excited one being Ysavelle. Aren's sentiment was shared among most of them then.

Levi's team was stood with a few grins on their faces. I passed a sideways glance to my fellow captain but he only nodded at me to stay quiet. He'd take this one.

"Relax cadets, the Commander's not here so don't be so stiff. As you should know if your captain did her job right, we will be doing basic hand to hand today." I ignored the jab at my one time flaky ability to relay a piece of information and looked towards Sam who appeared to want to say something.

"You have something to share?"

"Uh yes. I was just wondering why we have to do hand to hand combat if the only enemy we'll be fighting is over twenty times our size."

"Fitness, body control, flexibility, and aiding any of the other squadrons with internal affaires being the main few. You can also gain a basic understanding of the physical aspects of movement, which could help anticipate any enemies potential actions." I was glad when Levi answered once again, never really understanding that myself.

"Big words for a little man." I muttered quietly enough so that nobody, except hopefully Levi could hear. He didn't react but I was pretty sure he heard me.

I could tell Sam wanted to say more but he stayed quiet and avoided my fellow Captains gaze. I chuckled.

My hands clapped together, and my mouth twitched into a grin with anticipation. "Right, let's get going. Who wants to see me punch Captain Levi?"

Novak and Fern snorted leaving the other three in their team to quietly mutter a not quite so silent plea for me to do it. Levi shook his head and my team were left not quite knowing what to think, even Coen was trying not to look surprised - I suppose he had grown so used to seeing me wanting to put myself as far away from Levi as possible. We were certainly a relaxed group but there were some others like us too. Well, maybe not quite like us.

"What Athena is trying to say is that she will give a demonstration on how to both throw and block a punch."

"Humph, you take all the fun out of it. But yes. Self defence is the first thing you ought to know. There are three main types of punches you'll need to know at this stage, two from the front and a hook to the side of the head. They are pretty discernible from each other so knowing which one to block should be fairly easy."

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