Chapter 7 | Red (2)

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*Just a reminder, this is the second part of Athena's story, the first being based in the underground*

*Blood Warning*

My stomach lurched and bile rose up my throat, leaving a burning trail. Shit. I needed to get back within the hour or I would be as good as dead.

Tahru's hooves pounded the ground beneath me and Apollo raced beside us. The black mare had carried me everywhere for the past few months and I owed my life to her times over. Of course I would also be dead if it weren't for the canine who so easily kept pace with the relentless equine. Shiu, my beloved falcon, was back at the base; I hadn't needed him for this task.

Finally the building came into view, none to soon either as a coughing racked my chest and a metallic taste coated the inside of my mouth.

It was a towering warehouse that, though appearing abandoned, housed an organisation that governed the shadows of humanity. Temporarily at least. Unfortunately I was made a part of it.

Every few months the organisation would move, never staying in the same place for long else risking exposure and capture. They had only moved once since I had been with them but even that was an arduous process.

The smaller barn besides the warehouse acted as a stables and kennels and that was where my beloved companions stayed. I reached the barn and was about to put Tahru and Apollo away when a boy came rushing out.

"Boss wants to see you." Of course he did. It wasn't the kids fault but I snarled all the same.

"Put them in their stable, and if I find out they haven't been properly looked after, I'll hang you by your toes and leave my falcon to tear out your eyes." The boy trembled but carefully took Tahru's reins, Apollo following dutifully behind.

I was in a foul mood. The warehouse had been divided into rooms and I still didn't know my way around properly, being that we'd only moved here a week or two ago.

I came to one that had boxes piled outside it and the overwhelming stench of potions and poisons. "Thomas! Open up!" Banging on the door did nothing so I just pushed my way in.

The room inside was just as cluttered as the outside so I carefully picked my way through. I finally spotted Thomas buried underneath a pile of fabrics.

"Come on you idiot, I need my antidote!" I thwaked him round the head making him jump up in surprise.

"Hey don't- Oh Athena it's just you." His bright blue eyes glittered with amusement at my anger but nonetheless began rifling through the boxes. "Gods sake, gimme a few more days and this would've been sorted."

I snorted, sure that he wouldn't have been. "Anyway, cutting it a bit fine aren't we. You have a bit on your chin."

I shrugged and wiped the blood from my mouth. "The guy just refused to give in."

"I have no idea why. If you came at me with a knife I'd run screaming." Thomas' voice was muffled in the mess but he pulled out a small bottle with green liquid in it. "Here."

I greedily grabbed the bottle and downed the liquid. It didn't taste horrible but I certainly wouldn't have put it up there for my top ten favourite foods and beverages.

My insides began to settle and the burning lessened. "It's good to see you again and all but doesn't the Boss want to talk to you?"

I just groaned. "Every time he insists. It's always 'Athena report to me' or 'Athena I want to know every detail of your life' or my all time favourite, 'Athena, do as I say or I'll make you clean out Chuck's nose hairs'. He uses that one quite a lot." Thomas sported a humorous look.

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