Chapter 13 | Beast (2)

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They had left. The day of the expedition had passed and every scout, bar a few, went outside the walls. And I wanted to go.

The outside was open, and free- free of both oppression and cages. But I wasn't allowed, neither was Jack, and though I was glad my prison friend wasn't getting into harms way, I was disgruntled.

So I spent the time with my animals, my closest friends. It would take the Scouts a day to reach the wall from here, be out there for at least two, and another days journey back from the wall, maybe more depending on the injured.

We were instructed to use these next four or five days to carry on training ourselves and each other, in both hand to hand, knowledge, and the 3DM Gear.

Jack was getting better with gear on each go but I still had trouble navigating around the trees. If we were in a reasonably open space it was fine, but other than that...

"You coming Athena?" My ears perked at his voice coming across a stretch of grass, yet when I saw Jack all kitted out I couldn't muster the enthusiasm to move. Apollo was laying his head on my lap and Tahru was grazing a few yards away so I was comfy and calm.

"I think I'm going to stay here a while." I tried to make my smile believable, genuine, but I wasn't sure how convincing it really was.

"Alright. I think they'll be back by today, so keep an eye out."

"Aye aye captain." He laughed gently then trotted off to the forest. I tallied the days in my head and confirmed what he said. They'd be back today.

I was nervous, or afraid for some reason. I'd only known Aren and the twins for a day or two but I made myself admit that I really didn't want them to die. Or any of the others.

But in reality, what was there that I could actually do? Apollo, sensing my agitation, whined gently and nuzzled my arm. I smiled fondly down at him.

"You're here for me aren't you though bud." A flap of wings and sharp claws on my shoulder had me continuing, "And you too Shiu." The gyrfalcon pecked at my ear causing me to let out a shrill yelp. "What do you- OUCH! Stop it!" The bird on my shoulder refused to budge even when I waved a hand at him. "Listen you stupid bird, if you want food, go get it yourself. You're a bird of prey after all."

Shiu shrieked in my ear before shooting off into the sky. Stubborn bird. I was about to close my eyes to try and sleep, something I'd still been doing a lot of during the day, when vibrations through the earth brought me alert. The unmistakable sound of hooves on the ground.

They were back. Tahru came at a whistle and I slid onto her saddle-less back. I signalled to the now circling Shiu to get Jack before I was cantering back to the base, Apollo following closely behind.

I had heard of the Scouts before I had even left the Underground, a reigiment well known for its casualties and fruitless endeavours. I myself was familiar with the idea of death, that life is never permanent and of course caused such a thing to pass with my own hands. Yet I wasn't prepared to see the company that returned.

The number had obviously fallen and though they were still in the hundreds, that amount now almost seemed pitiful in comparison to when they left. On top of that, no smiles were shared, no reassuring glances. They were all a mess, seemingly broken.

Then I found myself looking through everyone, seeking faces I knew. Each time I passed a face that was not one of theirs, my heart sped up to the point where it could've been a murmur instead of beating.

I saw them. Two of raven hair and two of deathly pale. They were grouped together so I had to guess that Aren and the Twins were in Levi's squad.

As the Scouts began filing away into their respective areas, the Squad Leader that yelled at us only a few days before spotted me. I slid off Tahru and steeled myself to meet him.

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