Chapter 21 | Forwards (3)

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"So. You're the unlucky whelps who ended up with me."

"Yes Captain!"

Half a dozen cadets stood before me, all of them fidgeting with unease and worry. They had arrived late with their uniforms ruffled and hair unkempt. My last team weren't like this at all.

Already I had started to compare them, let's hope this wasn't a downward spiral.

"Before we go into introductions, I just want to say that you'll have to train harder than a lot of the others because I have a notorious reputation of bad luck with my teams, so you've got your work cut out. Any complaints?"

"No Captain!" Obedient at least.

"Now usually I'd go straight into introductions but we're missing one person." I paused as I heard running behind me. "Coen Wolf, you're late." I caught his gaze out of the corner of my eye as he came to stand in front of me next to the others. "Not the best example to set for your subordinates."

He gave a lopsided grin which had my mouth twitching upwards. "Sorry Captain Thena."

"Alright then," I addressed the cadets. "How about we find who you all are. Where you came from doesn't matter because you're here now so names and any other info you think might be beneficial towards the scouts would be good to start with."

I nodded for them to start.

A skinny looking girl stepped forward first. "I'm Jenna Singh. I was the fastest with the manoeuvre gear in the cadets but I'm not that strong."

I gestured to the next girl but took Jenna's words into consideration. That she would speak of her weaknesses was good.

"Erian Seidel, ma'am." That was all? I wasn't complaining and she sure seemed confident enough in herself.

I had to check my eyes when I saw the next cadet. Unruly red hair, freckles covering her face and grass green eyes. "I'm Ysavelle Young! I like all things wild and want to see the outside world more than anything." She finished with a grin and sparkling eyes. Holy shit, even their names were basically the same.

"The name's Sam Rider. I hope I can get to know everyone and take down more titans than even Captain Levi!" I chuckled, breaking out of the small shock from the previous girl. At least he was spirited.

"I'm Josh Brandt. Anything for humanity that I can do. I'm strong and hope to give all I can." I nodded in appreciation and dropped a small smile.

"Devlon Baum ma'am. I look forward to workin' under you an' serving the scouts." He had a thick accent which made it a little hard to discern his words but at least I got his name.

As the last one finished, I clapped my hands together and gave a wide grin. "This here is Coen Wolf, as you've already heard. He is still your teammate but if he tells you to do something, you do it, within reason of course. Coen has been in the scouts longer than I have and though he's not a captain, you can count on him to have your back. Understood?"

"Yes Captain!"

"Oh, and you can address me as Captain Athena, or Thena, which ever is easiest."

"Right." Now they looked a lot more at ease so I grinned once more, showing off my sharp teeth.

"How fit would you say you all are?"

All I could hear beside the occasional chirping bird was heavy breathing. Coen and I stood marginally out of breath, recovering fairly quickly, on our feet whilst the cadets were either leaning on their knees or sprawled flat out.

Silent Howl (AOT Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED CAUSE I SUCKWhere stories live. Discover now