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**A/N - Hello my lovelies! I hope you are enjoying the series so far. This chapter was meant to be happy-go-lucky, but it took an unexpected turn...ENJOY. --AMM**

Walking down the street, Himiko does her best to not drop Izuku - she was able to catch him each time she tossed him into the air before - a kimono wouldn't affect her catching skills, right? The amount of stares she received didn't faze her in the slightest - it thrilled her really. Would she drop the kid or not?

"So much for not looking suspicious...damn that woman! She is going to drop him!" Well above the street, at the top of a building: Shigaraki, Dabi and Kurogiri watched as the crazy blonde endangered the child. With each toss, one or all three of the men had somewhat of a heart attack. It's a wonder no one called the cops on her!

"Now~~Shigi said the preschool would be located next to the flower garden.....ohhh, there it is!" Catching the green fuzzball, Himiko hooks the child underneath her armpit and proceeds to the front gate where the teachers were greeting parents and babies.

"Welcome parents, please wait patiently near the garden - our assembly will begin shortly." A woman with semi-long dark green hair, stood at the front directing parents to the proper areas. Himiko paused for a moment; she looked down at the child in her arms and back at the teacher...they were the same...shit, you've got to be kidding? The one school they chose so happened to employ the one person no-one thought that they would ever meet.

Shigaraki clung to the edge of the roof - Dabi holding onto his boss by the band of his pants. They all saw - the teacher had to be Izu's mother.

"Boss - please get off the edge - you may look small, but you're heavier than I can manage with just a waistband." But his words fell on deaf ears. Shigaraki needed to grab his son - what if the woman recognized him? What if she questioned Toga? Would Toga know to run with the kid?!

Before he could do process the situation and react, Inko Midoriya moved to the well-dressed Himiko.

Holding Izuku close to her, Himiko knew, if the kid was taken with her - she would be taken from this world.

"Why hello. Are you a new parent here?" Inko looked from "mother" to child. A few moments and Himiko just decided to act...normal.

"Uh, yes. This is my son, Izuku Shigaraki. My name is Himiko Toga." As she finished her sentence, she realized a grave mistake.

"Your son doesn't have the same last name as you Miss?" Damn it!

"Well, you see...I had my son out of wedlock. an agreement, my son took his father's name. You'll occasionally see him here dropping off and picking up Izu...ehehe?" That was one hell of a lie.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry for asking so much of your personal life. But rest assured, we will take good care of baby Izu. Will you be stayi-..." Before Inko could finish the last word, Himiko had placed Izuku in her arms and made a mad dash out the gate and back home.

"Baby Izuku is it? Your an interesting soul isn't she? Hmm, you seem so familiar." Inko couldn't help but feel connected to her new student - not realizing he was her son. All for one did a wonderful job at erasing his ex-wife's memories.

Entering the school yard, Inko walked towards the rest of her class. The rest of the students had been assigned cute onesies/costumes to assist the teachers in keeping track of the crawling/walking/stumbling babies.

And so began the first day of preschool, Izuku had his moments of tears and tumbles. Majority of the tears and tumbles came from a blonde, spiky haired little brat. His green t-rex onesie made complete sense.

*Time Skip*

Eight hours went by in a flash, the end of the school day was reaching its peak. Shigaraki had stayed to watch and intervene if he needed to. As a worry-wort father, he was close enough to see the interactions of his son - witnessing the bullying from the little blonde butthole.

When it was finally time to pick up the kids, Shigaraki was the first at the gate; patiently waiting for the teachers to come out. A familiar happy shriek caught his attention - baby Izuku was holding hands with his fellow classmates, a smile on his face. The lead teacher had the children focus on the gate - asking for them to keep a watchful eye for their parents. And the children did as they were instructed. Izuku knew his father's stance and figure - letting go of his new-found friends, he started a "quick sprint" towards his papa.

"Papa! Papa, papa, papa!" His running skills needed work, but the little green pom pom made it just in time to be scooped up in his father's arm.

"Papa! Iya miss you!" Izuku nuzzled his father, tickling his neck.

"I missed you too kiddo. Did you like school?" Patting his back, the little lamb - his outfit - bobbed his head in a happy, hyper manner.

"You must be Izuku's father. Hi I am Inko Midoriya, I am his homeroom teacher, its a pleasure to meet you." With a polite bow, both parents - surrogate and biological - met for the first time.

You're the woman who gave me Izu...thank you.

Shigaraki sent a silent thank you.

"Will you be coming more often, or should I expect your...wife? I mean, Izuku's mother?" A nervous chuckle left her lips.

"No, I' dropping him off, if that's alright." Inko smiled sweetly to the new father, confirming that he should come as often as he likes.

Saying their good-byes, Izuku waved one last time over Shigaraki's shoulder. Settling back in his father's arms the two made their way home.

By the time they reached the bar, Izu had knocked out. Entering the bar's main room - an eerie feeling climbed up Shigaraki's spine...

"Welcome back..." All for One sat at the bar, his legs crossed one hand with a drink, the other; Toga's neck. She was unconscious. Dabi had been thrown against the wall, struggling to get his breathing in order.

" what do I owe the visit?" Shigaraki closed the door, moving his hand to Izuku's head. What was he doing here?

"It's time I take my role as a loving father seriously. Your role as caretaker is done...Now give me my son." Izuku still slept soundly in Shigi's arms, even though he was strong - fighting and protecting the kid put him at a disadvantage.

"But Master, why? What use do you have for him right now?" His words were ignored, All for One got up from his seat, dropping Himiko's head in the process. Standing before his successor - the horror of a master reached for young Izuku...

"Please master, let him stay! He needs me!" Shigaraki yelled with earnest, only to be met with a back hand to the face. It sent him to the ground, nearly dropping Izuku in the process.

Stirring from his sleep, Izuku looked up to see his papa hurt once again - and the ugly man.

Like before, his angel wings sprung from his back - but with no hesitation, the wings struck All for One - reopening the scars where his eyes once held a place.

An agonizing scream echoed through the bar; All for One crouched over, both hands covering the crevasse on his ugly mug. Blood spewing in between his fingers.

"That's it! The child will die!" But no one was there to hear his decree. Kurogiri had warped everyone out of the bar to a location that All for One wouldn't think to look.

To be continued...

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