Baby Fever

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*A/N: This short story is for @boyxboyforlife . Thank you for the wonderful idea and I hope the story is what you wanted. Thank you again! xoxo AMM* 

Who would have thought a simple act of love (the ice cream) would cause such a horrid reaction. After eating the sweet treat Shigaragi spent an ordeal creating; it left baby Izuku with a less than desirable flu. His face was flushed, his nose was clogged and his cough was so dry, sand might come out. This would be a first for the League of Villains, rarely did anyone get sick and when they did, it was raw eggs and hot sauce....or was that for a hang-over. Either way, sickness was not a common event in the bar, but it became one hell of a nuisance.

"Yuck! Shigi! The kid is rubbing snot all over my shirt! What do I do to make him stop!?" Himiko thought her motherly instincts would kick in if she simply held the child. But, like any other occasion, baby Izuku would revolt in some kind of manner that Himiko deemed far too gross for her to handle.

"Dammit, put him down! The more you take him out of his bed, the worse he gets!" Quickly snatching the infant away from the pigged-tail craze factory, Shigaraki held the child at arm's length. Izuku was a ball of bacteria and green boogers – at this rate, they all would get sick. Well – he could always toss the kid in the garbage...

Actually he was right next to a garbage can – twisting his position, he redirected the baby over the bin. Hmmmm; he does have a soft spot for the kid, but does he want to get sick??

"Master! You can't throw away the young baby away just because he is ill! You must take care of him!" The black hole of a butler entered the main room to discover his Master tempting himself to throw away their leader's child...that could be bad for all of them.

"Tch, I don't know how to care for him! He is oozing stuff from his nose and it sounds like he might die from suffocation; what could I possibly do to make him feel better?" Pulling the child away from the waste bin, he moved to the bar. Placing Izuku on top of the counter, he looked at the sloppy thing that was his successor...

Dabi strolls in and glances over to the green fuzzy thing – eww. The kid looked bad.

"Hey boss, don't you think you should give the kid some soup or something. I mean; if you don't get that under control – it could get worse and he could die." The bi-colored villain picked up the ball of boogies and placed him in his arms.

"...where are you going with him Master Dabi?" Kurogiri followed in worried pace.

"The kid needs a bath – you mind making him some kind of soup for babies? Also, bring be a bowl of my normal herbs; it should help clear the kid up." Kurogiri does as he is instructed. The main room is empty and Shigaraki is a little jealous that Dabi knows how to care for the child...

With a defeated 'hrmph' – the leader of villains makes his way to the bathroom; taking mental notes on what he needs to do to care of a sick baby. Dabi had filled the bathroom sink with warm water – gently he placed the baby inside, making sure there was a firm grasp on his back. Using his free hand, he directs the water towards the little one's chest; making him giggle in the process.

"Boss, can you take the kid and wash him thoroughly, I gotta go grab him some clean clothes and a new diaper...come on boss – the kid loves you – he's been wanting you to hold for days now. It's just a few boogers. It's nothing you haven't gotten yourself..." Dabi had a point; with a heavy sigh, the two "adults" switch places.

"ohhhh, guuuuuahhhhhh *cough cough* mmmmm." The small broccoli voices his discomfort until Shigaraki comes into view. Immediately Izuku squirms in the water, demanding to be closer to his surrogate father. Gentle patting his head, the decay villain scoops a palm full of water and sprinkles it above the baby's head. Sweet giggles and rough coughs mix together as his green puffball splashes around. A small smile spreads on Shigi's face – the kid was bringing out a softer side of him...that can't be good.

"Boss – you mind taking out the kid and drying him up – I got him a change of clothes." Dabi enters the bathroom with the items he set out to find. Working together, the two dry and dress the baby and move into the main room.

As requested, there was a bowl of baby friendly soup prepared – Kurogiri was instructed to feed the kid while Dabi set out to burn the herbs in the bowl.

"What herbs did you put in the bowl?" Shigaraki trusted Dabi to be a good villain – being a good uncle on the other hand, he needed to earn it.

"Relax, it's orange peels, lemon grass, mint and lavender – the kid will be able to breathe while he sleeps." Igniting the bowl – blue flames slowly engulfed the items inside. The smell engulfed the room; sending a wave of ease and relaxation.

"The kid sleeps better in your arms boss – you can rock him to sleep. I'm going to bed, I feel a cold coming on." Dabi exits the bar and heads to his room.

After his feeding and wiping off his face, Shigaraki takes Izuku into his arms and begins to sway him to sleep. It didn't take long – the kid had been up the night before coughing his lungs out. Sleep came easy. Settling down on the couch, the grey-haired boss throws his legs up and leans against the arm of the couch, Izuku is safely tucked into the crook of his arm, clinging to his shirt. Before he knew, Shigaraki was out like a light, so was Izuku.

While the two rested, All for One warped into the room; Kurogiri taken back by his surprise visit.

"Where is Shigaraki?" His voice was ominous and cold; he was not in the mood for games and his patience running thin.

"Master...he is lying on the couch with your son." Kurogiri's professionally angled his arms, directing his master's attention to the couch and its occupants.

"They seem to be attached..." His reaction slightly irritated. Before the bartender could say anything, All for One warped from the room.

"The Master seemed think he'll take the kid away from me Kuro?" Shigaraki rose from the couch, Izuku still asleep in his arms.

"He might...or he might want to remind you what baby Izuku is meant to endure when he gets old enough to train..." Kurogiri couldn't help but voice his sorrow for the young boy.

"Hmph, he's my successor...I'll decide what happens..." with that, the decay villain leaves for his room – his heart shattering at the thought of his Master returning for Izuku.

To be continued...   

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