Kid's Day

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May 5th XXX: Children's Day

Today was Children's day in Japan; the day where kids are celebrated and allowed to be a bit spoiled by their family. Or at least that's the idea.

Izuku had been with the LOV for about five months now; the child grew with a definite love for four of the members: Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Dabi and more or less, Toga. And even if they didn't want to admit it; the adults felt the same way for the baby. His smile was infectious and his need to be held by one of the four made their cold hearts melt.

"Heyyyyy~ It's kid's day, shouldn't we do something for the kid?" the blonde hair girl grabbed the child and snuggled her face against his. Izuku snatched her pigtails and began to yank in retaliation.

"...Blondie's right. We should do something for the kid." Shigaraki looked at the black spikey-haired boy; Dabi was the last person he would have expected to hear such a declaration from. Shrugging his shoulder's, the decay villain, thought about what they could do to celebrate. Throwing parties wasn't really their thing...

"Let's have a small dinner for the five of us. I'll go into town with the baby and pick up the stuff we need. You guys...decorate something, I don't know."


Grocery Store:

Dabi didn't care about his appearance; he actually didn't notice the stares he would get. But this time around, he got a different type of stare...

Why were people, specifically the women, staring at him?

Then he realized, he had the kid...who was tucked under his arm, like a ragdoll...Oh.

Rearranging Izuku, upright and in his arm - Dabi continued to search for the items on the list he was given.

"Ahhhh, ahh, buahhhhhhhh~" Izuku was bantering, slapping Dabi on the face.

"What kid? I don't speak baby." Dabi looked down at the child, memories of his past suddenly hitting him.


He had left home at fourteen, his little brother only a few months old. Here he was, fifteen and stuck with a baby in his arms. A baby that was only 11 months younger than his baby brother.

While he was lost in thought, Izuku began to tear up - his shrieking cry breaking through his thoughts. People gathered around, wondering why the child was crying. Dabi snapped out of his trance and does his best to calm the infant.

"Come on, stop crying..." A few women had come up to assist poor Dabi - one actually snatched Izuku out of Dabi's hand; which only made the child cry louder. For the next ten minutes, a group of women take turn in trying to be better than the other and quiet the child down.

Meanwhile, back at the bar:

"What's taking so long~? Shouldn't they be back already?" Toga had ran out and stole a few carp sleeping bags; she had one for everyone, but the main star was still out with Dabi.

"Don't know. Toga, aren't these sleeping bags, aren't they kites??" Shigaraki examined the material of the so-called sleeping bag, he was pretty sure these were kites...

"W-well, since we are the LOV, it would be a bad idea to fly kid flags on our building, so I thought it would better just to sleep in them; they're comfy...give it a try Shigi!" Without waiting for a response, Toga proceeds to slip the carp kite under her leader and engulfing his body. The chase begins!

Back to Dabi:

Running away from a hoard of self-centered ladies, Dabi had Izuku, once again, tucked under his arm as he looked for an escape route. How did it go from doing a grocery run to running away?! He couldn't use his quirk; making a scene with the baby around would draw more attention. Rounding a corner - Dabi dives into a bush, waiting.

"Shhhhh." He had Izuku against his chest, patting his head gently. After a few minutes and the sound of clacking shoes faded, Dabi rises from the shrubbery.

"What...the hell was that? Izu, I can't take you anywhere can I?" He holds the child with extended arms in front of him; for a moment, the child had a serene look on his face, before it scrunched up into a horrifying cry.

Quickly, Dabi placed the child back against his chest; offering a soothing back rub.

Izuku calmed down instantly, rubbing his chubby cheeks against the older boy's chest. A smile crossed the young man's face for a split second, only to return to his blank expression.

No wonder the boss has a soft spot for you kid.

It was getting late and Dabi needed to get home before anyone noticed him and the child. Placing the child on top of his shoulders, Izuku gripped Dabi's hair, indicating he wasn't letting go anytime soon.

Back at the bar:

Dabi entered a dark room. Strange, where did everyone go. He assumed the others were hiding, possible they wanted to do a surprise dinner instead. Sticking his hand out in front of him, blue flames ignited in his palm. Baby Izuku clamored at the chance to touch it, but he was too high. Walking further into the room, Dabi nearly tripped over something. Enlarging the flame, there tucked into their carp kites, were Toga and Shigaraki...

"They got bored and started playing with the carp kites." Kurogiri had walked in with a tray full of food.

"Well Izu, happy children's day - even if this isn't the proper way to celebrate it." Dabi pulls the child from his shoulders and cradles him in his arms.

"Izu, eh? When did you decide to give him that name?" Kurogiri grew interested in Dabi's nickname.

"Do be careful Master Dabi. Baby Izuku is going to be the next leader of the League. Don't get too attached when the time comes for us to train him." The reminder rung deep into his heart. That's right Izuku would be trained when he reached a certain age.

But could Dabi stand by and watch another unrelenting father torture the hell out of his child?


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