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A/N: Hi Everyone, sorry for the late update. My computer was acting up! But here is the next chapter!

After rounding several streets and corners, Himiko led the others into a large department store. There were a lot of people and plenty of opportunities to blend in. Izuku still clung to Rize's arm, he wasn't letting go without a fight. The blonde smiled, her little twerp is back. And no one was going to take him away from them again.

"Izu, do Auntie a favor and put your wings away. Someone will tattle on us and that old nasty rat will try and steal you again." Himiko watched as her green fluff put away his wings; landing on his feet and running into her arms. His warmth spread into her frozen soul - if there was a God, he should no better than to take this kid away from her again...

As the two snuggled each other, the sound of heavy running and shouting voices echoed through the department store. Shit! They couldn't even have a moment.

"Himiko...time to go." Rize made a few quick snatches, while everyone was distracted. Sunglasses, hats and jackets. It wasn't much, but it would be enough for them to make it out to the alley and onto a different part of town.

As the three made their way through the crowd, Rize made sure to avoid the shuffling and shoving forms. Just one more floor and they'd be out and into the underground rail system.

But of course...there was a row of guards checking every woman and child passing by. Turning towards the bathroom, Rize did her best to not disturb the flow of traffic.

"Now what? The building seems to be surrounded..." Himiko clung to Izuku, hiding him under her jacket from sight. This was bad, how would they get it now???

The girls had been gone a little too long for Dabi's liking. It wasn't like any of them. He informed Kuro that he'd be out and he'd be back with the girls. Covering his visible markings with a long sleeved hoodie - the dark haired grump made his way into town. He'd hope the girls weren't just stealing underwear again...can't really eat underwear.

By the time Dabi had entered the city - the chase had already begun. He had caught a glimpse of Rize and Himiko running. Not wanting to blow his cover, Dabi hung back and watched. The girls would need an escape route - he'd be the one to provide it.

Izuku huddled against Himiko's chest, underneath her stolen jacket. He clung onto her chest, as Himiko wrapped her arms just a little bit tighter. They were trapped...Rize knew it, but didn't want to show any sign of weakness.

"Let's head back the way we came. Maybe there might be less guards and a better chance at sneaking by." Rize held onto the blonde's hand and went with the flow of people. As they neared the main entrance, a few Pros stood guard. Pros that knew her face...shit!

But Rize didn't hesitate - she kept walking forward. Not wanting to alert anyone. As the three neared the opening. One pro noticed the two and proceeded to tell them to stop where they were.


The women kept moving, knowing fully the others were now paying attention to them. Picking up speed, Rize pushed Himiko to go faster - hell to run at this point. But she didn't, the crazy blonde wasn't leaving without the crazy cannibal.

A pro grabbed Rize by the shoulder - she reacted how she usually did. She took a bite.

A horrific scream echoed through the building. Making everyone stop and stare. Yuck - yet again, the taste of bitch left a bitter taste in her mouth. The pro fell to his knees clutching onto his hand. Rize wanted to shove her foot in face, but no time. Himiko had already grabbed her, making a dash for anywhere but there.

Dabi watched on as the women struggled to get away...

What the hell were they doing? Why didn't they fight their way out? Dammit all to hell. Leaving his hiding spot, Dabi readied himself - this was going to hurt.

He approached the crowd, making sure to not draw attention to his movement. His eyes piercing Rize and Himiko, hoping they would notice him and understand his plan. Luckily, both women saw him from the corner of their vision and waited.

The tension was thick; all the pros were ready to jump them. And the only person who had any real ability to damage such a large group is Dabi...but how long could he do it for? Taking a huge gulp, Rize hooked arms with the blonde.

A tsunami of blue flame engulfed the street. The sound of scorching flesh and banshee like screams erupted as the flames made contact. Rize didn't wait - she dashed forward, Himiko hooked to her.

The blue flames now had a life of its one. Destroying everything it touched! Dabi watched as his flames did it's work - waiting...

"Move! Don't just stand there like a fool! Run!!!" Himiko yelled as they ran in his direction. A few pros heard her but were too focused on the general public to go after them. Dabi turned his back to the women and started running. They needed to disappear before anyone recovered.

Several Hours Later:

Dropping to the ground, the three adults huffed and puffed for air. They had ran over ten miles, using Dabi's secret routes. They had run along side the river and towards the end of town. Once they had exited the city limits - they hopped on several different trains to where the rest of the group would be.

"W-what the hell were you two thinking?! Why did you get caught?!" The raven haired man looked at his companions.

"We did it for a good reason." A smile spread across Rize's face as she turned to Himiko. The blonde unzipped the jacket and out sprang a fuzzy Izuku, who flew straight into Dabi's face, cutting off all air.

The little cinnamon roll snuggled so hard, his uncle had to tap out for air. Realizing his strength, Izuku let go and wrapped his arms around his uncle's neck...

"I-I missed you uncle...don't leave me again. I'll be a good boy. I promise..." Dabi smothers the child, hugging tight enough to where he couldn't escape.

To be continued...

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