Family Matters

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"What do you want Nezu?" Shigaraki held onto Izuku and Eri tightly as the principal took his seat. Oh how he hated the little creature. 

"Now now, I've come on with good news. News that will surely bring you some joy." Nezu's words didn't sound good. Before Nezu could say more, Dabi entered the living room, his eyes never leaving the well-dressed creature. 

"Well, talk. What do you have that is such good news?" Shigaraki waited patiently, mainly because Izuku was whispering cute nothings into his ear. 

"I've come with a proposition for you...A better proposition. With Izuku about to turn 4, I think it might be a good idea to have Izuku train with a Pro - - "Before Nezu could finish, Shigaraki interrupted.

"And why on God's green earth would I give you my son? Your Pro knocked out my son!" Shigaraki's grip slightly tightened around Izuku. The rest of the family heard the shouting; their hatred boiling at the sight of Nezu. 

"Papa - why is Grandpa Kuro holding Grandma Rize? Is she sick?" Izuku's question made Shigaraki avert his eyes. Indeed, if it wasn't for Kurogiri, his mother would have launched herself onto the creature and rip him limb from limb. 

" not very happy to see Nezu kiddo." How else could he explain the situation to his son. 

Izuku: "Why?"

Shigaraki: "Because Nezu...took you without permission last time and Grandma hasn't quite forgiven him yet."

Izuku: "Ohhhh - well doesn't that make him a bad guy?" 

Shigaraki: " you think he is a bad guy?"

The little green broccoli looked at the suited creature - his big eyes searching. Searching, searching...and...nothing. 

"Papa - he's not bad...just...uh. Um...I don't think I can say bad words..." Izuku looked at Shigaraki, hoping he would understand. 

"Hmm, I'll let you say a bad word this one time. Now go ahead and tell papa what you are thinking." Shigaraki could only imagine what his son was going to say.

"...Nezu not bad...just really...really...really...stupid..." The fuzzy cinnamon roll ducks his head, slightly glimpsing here and there, making sure his father wasn't mad. Dabi and Himiko break out in a gaggle of laughter; Rize giggled as well - taking in the cuteness. 

"Uhh, I thought stupid is a bad word." Eri looked around slightly confused. Shigaraki gathered himself, gently patting the little girl's head. 

"For a child, it is a bad word, it can really hurt someone's feelings. I don't want you and Izuku saying that word or any bad word until you are old enough." Eri nodded, cuddling against her new surrogate father. 

Nezu, slightly growing impatient, looked around the room. And of course, he noticed the other additional person in the facility. His eyes zoomed in, taking in everything. 

"What are you doing here Overhaul? Last I heard, All for One is searching for well as the Yakuza. I hope you aren't planning an all out battle here on my campus." Nezu walked closer to Overhaul, who stood at the corner of the room, hoping he wouldn't be noticed. 

"I wonder if you and that new child are here to take away Shigaraki..." Nezu's words seeped its way into Izuku's ears, leaving a dangerous impression. 


Later that night:

The rest of the visit was uneventful - Nezu warned the family to watch their new guest and his intentions. Other than that, he left with little to no concern. Eri and Izuku were playing in the living room, while the adults were preparing dinner. 

"Izu? Do you think your papa would be okay with me calling him papa?" The little horned girl looked over to Izuku shyly. Looking up from his toys, Izuku took a moment, his little mind determining what would be the best answer.

"...Eri, my papa is my papa. Only I can call him papa." Izuku's answer was direct, maybe a little too direct. 

Eri: "Why not?! You call him papa all the time, why can't I?" 

Izuku: "Because I said so! And he's my papa!" 

Eri: "NO! He's my papa too! You have to share!" 

And before anyone knew it, Izuku and Eri start yelling at each other. The adults rush into the room, right on time, to see both children flinging toys at each other. Izuku's wings popped from his back and he began dropping toys on top of Eri's head like they were bombs. 

"Izuku! Eri! That's enough! Why are you two fighting like this?!" Shigaraki raised his voice plucking the little blonde girl off the ground. He examined her head, making sure she wasn't bleeding. Izuku didn't like the way his papa was holding Eri; without thinking - Izuku charges his dad, intent on knocking Eri out of his arms. 

Right before the green puff could make contact, Dabi caught him mid-flap. 

"No!No!No! He's my papa! I'm not giving my papa to anyone!" Izuku struggled against Dabi's hold, trying to wiggle his way out of his uncle's grip. 

"Izuku, that's enough. You are being really mean to Eri. Why are you acting this way?" Dabi looked at the little angry fluff. And before he knew, Izuku bursted out in tears and boogers. 

"Waaaa, waaaa - I d-don don't waaant to sh-shhhaaarreee my papa! E-eri can't ca-calll pa-paaa (hicup) paaa-pa. WAAAAAAA!" Izuku couldn't contain or control his tears. 

"Izuku...that's enough. No more crying, why can't Eri call me 'papa'? Huh?" Shigaraki reached out and took Izuku into his arms. 

"Be-be-bec-cause...I-I don't wan-na loooose papa!" Izuku burrowed away into his father's neck, praying he wouldn't disappear. The adults couldn't understand why his concern was about his father disappearing...


Nezu...that creature was truly a freaking evil genius...turning the family against each other...starting with the kids. 

"Izu, you know that papa would never leave you right? Papa would fight to stay with you no matter what." The decay ex-villain felt unprepared for this situation. 

"Izuku look at me. You are not going to lose me, I promise. And Eri isn't here to steal me, I want her to be here. I want to take care of her, she is going to be your baby sister." Shigaraki looked for some kind of reaction. 

The almost four year old, looked at his father and then to Eri. His eyes were puffy and red, snot escaping his nose. 

"sniff, sniff. S-so, paaaa-pa isn't go-going to-to le-leave?" The family continued to watch as Izuku tried to suck it up and be a big boy. 

"No kiddo, Eri is here to stay with us and I am here to take care of you too. I am papa to both of you...if Eri wants a papa that is?" Father and son look over to the quiet little girl. 

"Y-yes, I do. I want a family, I want a papa too...but Izu said, I can't call you papa. Only he can." tiny sobs and tears emerge from Eri's face...

"Izuku, you shouldn't be mean to Eri." Shigaraki needed a solution...and soon.

"How about Eri calls your papa, daddy instead? Would that be okay?" Dabi stepped in to take the load off of his boss. 

"Yeah, that's okay. As long as she calls papa, daddy. I'm okay. We can share papa." His reply was so quick. 

Dang it, it was that easy. 

Now how to deal with Nezu and his damn sneaky methods...

To be continued...

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