A New Family Member

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"PAPA! Who is she? Oh, why does she look so scared? Papa?" Izuku had floated above his father, right before plopping onto his father's head. Shigaraki plucked his son off, placing him safely into his arms. Taking another look at the young girl, Shigaraki could feel a pang of sadness for her. He thought about Izuku and what would have happened if they hadn't met the way they did. 

"What exactly does this little girl have to do with All for One?" Rize approached the little girl, her eyes turning a deep red. She knew better than to let her guard down. 

"Relax, this little girl couldn't do any harm - even if she tried. Her name is Eri; her quirk developed a year ago. She is able to revert anyone or anything back to its original state. Because of the quirk; Mr. Potato-Head had it in mind to use the kid to keep him young forever. Call her the fountain of youth." Overhaul tried to pick up the girl, but she refused to be touched by him. 

Sensing her unease; Izuku jumps from his dad's arms and lands on his face...instead of his feet. 

"AH! Izu! Why didn't you tell papa you wanted to get down?!" Crouching over his son, Shigaraki tries to help him up. But Little Izuku refused the help; sucking in his tears, he does his best not to cry. Walking over to their new guest, Izuku pulls the fabric away from the young girl's face. 

"Don't be scared...papa and I won't let no one hurt you..." 


Several weeks later:

After the strange arrival of their unexpected guests; the ex-villain family became a group of seven and a half. It was easy for everyone to fall in love with Eri - she had a sweet and kind demeanor; Izuku took to little Eri instantly; they became inseparable. Shigaraki couldn't be happier; he got a daughter somehow. Like Izuku, Eri became closer to him than anyone else in the household. 

However, Overhaul's presence was less than desired. Every day, he annoyed the shit out of everyone; specifically Dabi and Shigaraki. There wasn't a moment where he wouldn't ask about planning an attack on the school and taking some of the high school students for experiments. Rize didn't stand for his crap and tried to take a chunk out of him each time he offered a stupid idea. 

"Overhaul - have you considered...oh I don't know - LEAVING!" Rize was reaching her limit. Little Eri sat in her lap as the adults conversed. She looked over at Izuku who slept soundly in his father's arms. Even though it hadn't been long; Eri too, grew to adore Shigaraki. He looked like a dried up scarecrow - but he was by far the kindest individual she had met. As Rize continued her banter on why Overhaul needed to jump ship - Eri made her way to the other side of the coffee table. Gently climbing onto the couch; the horned little girl carefully lifted Shigaraki's arm. She made sure not to disturb Izuku. As she positioned herself next to Izuku, she lovingly placed Shigaraki's arm around her tiny form and proceeded to nap. 

The only people who witnessed such an act of cuteness were Dabi, Kurogiri, Himiko and of course the man of the hour: Shigaraki...

It took everyone by surprise. How could Shigaraki, the former leader of the LOV; become such a father-figure? 

"Wow boss; should we expect a third child any time soon heh." Dabi giggled at the sight in front of him. But in all honesty, having another kid around sounded like fun and it didn't look like anyone minded. 

"Shut up Dabi...well how do we explain this to the furry principal? They don't check on us at all; but I'm fairly certain someone saw Overhaul coming here. I could give a damn about the idiot; but Eri needs to be protected..." Shigaraki looked at the two bundles that nestled in his lap. They needed to train them and soon; and a back-up plan...just incase...


Nezu took a walk down the unmarked path and made his way to the facility that housed his special guests. With the school increasing in student size, he'd been busier than ever; so much so, he forgot about the people he let on his campus. But then again; there wasn't much noise coming from them...

As he stepped closer to the door; there was a sound of laughter caught his attention. Nezu turned his head to find Izuku and Eri playing with each other. Izuku floated above Eri while sprinkling flower petals over her head. Instead of going inside; Nezu thought it would be best to talk with the children...

"Bad idea, turn around and head inside Nezu. Don't make me regret letting you near my child." Shigaraki stood next to the entrance, watching as the white creature in the suit entered the building. 

"I have no intentions of hurting your child...children. Tell me...where did you acquire the second child?" Nezu continue to question Shigaraki as he entered the building. 

"Yeah, like you had no intention of taking my kid and leaving me to die at the hand of All for One. Get inside." Shigaraki went to the kids and collected them in his arms, making their way inside.

To what did they owe the pleasure of Nezu's visit...

To be continued...

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