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Eri and Izuku looked at each other, did they know who this person is?

"S-s-STAN?" Wait - what the heck? Did the green puff just say Stain's name incorrectly? Because most people would be dead for that by now.

"No, it's Stain. There's an 'I' in my name." Correcting the kids, the adult continued to walk as he watched the two access the letter 'I' in his name. Then the little girl with the horn tried...

"S-stine?" Really? Did another kid just mess it up again? It's just one word, five letters - how hard could it be?

Stain: It's Stain. ST-AIN. Rhymes with pain.

Izuku: Stu.

Stain: No! That's not even right!

Eri: Steve?

Stain: Where did you get that name?

Eri: It started with an 's' and 't'.

Izuku: Stupid? That's starts with an 'st'

Stain: That's not nice to say to someone you don't know

Eri: That's not our fault we don't know you.

Izuku: Yeah Stupid.


Eri: I like 'stupid' more than Steve.

Izuku: Meeee tooo hehe

Stain: Watch it you brats

Izuku: OH I know! How about SHIT!?

Eri: Oh yeah! SHIT is great!

Stain: You little imps! Who taught you to say that bad word!

Eri/Izuku: Aunty Himiko!

Stain: What kind of aunt teaches her niece and nephew---

Izuku: No! Aunty Himiko!

The little green puff pinches at Stain's fingers indicating for him to let go. Releasing his hold on the child's collar, Stain watches as Izuku's wings come out and he flaps over to a naked, blonde woman with a crazy look in her eyes. Eri taps a confused Stain on the hand, asking to be let down. Lowering his arm to his side, Eri is on the ground and runs the distance to her crazy aunt.

"Oh my gosh! You little termites! Do you have any idea how long we've been looking for you? And how nuts your dad has gone!?" Himiko clings to the children as the smother her with a familiar and warm hug.

"But aunty - where are your clothes?" A small giggle escapes her lips. But before she could answer, Stain caught her attention, a deep blush creeping onto her face. Rearranging Izuku in front her breasts and lady...bits. 

"Uhhh...who's your friend Izu? Where did you find him?" Himiko batted her lashes and slightly blew a kiss. 

Slightly frightened, Stain ducked from the invisible kiss. 

"Where's papa?" Without waiting, Izuku removed himself from the naked adult. He inhaled deeply before bellowing out PAAAAA-PAAAAAAAAA!

Within seconds, the sound of thundering footsteps rapidly descending onto their location. Shigaraki burst through the trees like Tarzan, before zooming in on his son and swooping him into his arms. Scanning the area, the worried father sees Eri in the arms of a familiar, ugly face. 

"Stain! Hand over the child and you won't d--??!!" Not a moment later, Eri is tossed through the air, landing right in his arms. 



The rest of the family came rushing in as well, each adult reaching for the children and snuggling them. 


"So...let me get this straight. You came looking for All Might at the school. Got lost before reaching the school. You heard the kids drop from the sky and found them..." Shigaraki sat cross-legged across from Stain as he somewhat interrogated him for answers. 

Stain simple nods his head, as he avoids making any contact with the pig-tailed blonde, who now has clothes. 

"I don't believe you. How could you get lost? What kind of villain gets lost?" There was a unison of nods going on. 

"Listen, I found your kids, and now you have them. Can I go?" Stain stood up and was about to leave before Dabi stood in his way. 

"Before you go, what are your intentions with our whereabouts. Pretty sure Mr. Potato-head is on the look out for us. And any information would be of great value to him." Dabi and Stain held their glares for as long as possible, but eventually they both blinked. 

"I have no use for All for One's assistance. And I won't say anything. The child deserves a better death than at the hands of his father." A rock goes flying and hits Stain in the forehead. 

"I am Izuku's father. Not All for One." 

Stain took the hint and escaped into the shadows of the tree. 


"Papa...what do we do now? We can't go back anymore can we?" Izuku sat down in his father's lap. 

"Not sure...where else can we go?" Shigaraki tousled his son's hair and silently thought out their next move. 

"Izu-chan...I-I think you're bleeding...I-I can smell your...your blood..." Rize sat as still as she could. With all the commotions, she had forgotten her hunger...

Before anyone could react, Rize jumped up easily knocking her son away and snatching Izuku out of his arms!

Not in any control, the hunger-filled woman greedily chomped down onto her grandchild's shoulder. 

Dabi rushes and wraps his arms around Rize's waist and pulls her off of Izuku as fast as he could. Kurogiri doesn't bother waiting, he sucker punches Rize in the face - forcing her to fly backwards. 

Himiko joins Dabi and restrains Rize as she struggles to get out of the hold. Overhaul has Eri in his arms - he's shaking...all that blood...the germs...

Izuku is complete shock, he knew what happened. But his mind and body have gone into overdrive - trying to sort out what happened. Shigaraki and Kurogiri are applying pressure, doing their best to stop the building...

But nothing is happening - nothing is working! Shigaraki is crying, begging is son to not to close his eyes! Everyone was feeling helpless, how could this happen? How?

Eri jumps from Overhaul's arms and runs to Izuku. Mustering every piece of power and energy she has, Eri forces her quirk. 

Her horn enlarges! A bright light flashes, blinding everyone around...

To be continued...

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