Growing Pains

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***All Images used in this series does not belong to me; each was sourced using Pinterest, Google Images and other search engines. I do not own any of the characters.***

Months go by and the strange, yet loving family get along as best as a family of villains can. Izuku continues to grow stronger and cuter each day; the love for his father and uncles grow stronger, and his ability to talk leaves every adult in the room with a nervous chuckle or blushing bright red.  His questions range from bodily function, worldly questions and when he would grow big boobies like his aunt Himiko...

The moments just keep going and Shigaraki didn't want it any other way; but deep down they all knew, All for One was more than likely plotting. Even if they didn't meet soon, that old bastard probably had a plan made just for the group. But he couldn't stress, he wouldn't. Every day Izuku needed more and more attention - his quirk, was growing. 

Izuku's wings continue to grow in size and strength. He had become so used to them - he learned to fly first and walk last. As a father, Shigaraki would be at his wit's end, mainly because if the kid got mad - he would stay in the air and refused to come down. One day, Grandma Rize had taken away one of his toys and he flew out the window; just a few inches away from anyone's reach. Another time, he wanted a box of sweets that Kurogiri had bought; the sweets were placed on a high shelf...apparently, it wasn't high enough, Izuku flew up and enjoyed the entire box of chocolate and ended up with an enormous stomachache; which led to a bad case of diarrhea...

But no matter the disaster in the end, Shigaraki, Dabi, Kurogiri and Himiko wouldn't trade any moment with their kiddo for anything in the world. 

**Time Skip: Two-ish years later. Izuku: Age - 3***

Two-ish years went by in a moment's notice. The oddball family lived in peace with the occasional 'Rize Hangry' problems. But nothing the adults couldn't handle. Izuku grew into a curious and active little boy. Dabi and Shigaraki had spend time teaching the toddler how to use his quirk and not to fly away each time something went wrong. Eventually, Izuku learned, no matter how far he could fly, Kurogiri would just place a warp hole in front of him and he would be back in his father's arms.

The adults in the family had to eventually find work; and it wasn't hard. There was a town near by that offered them jobs and good cover from those looking for them. Izuku ended up having to stay home with Rize; who didn't have a motherly bone in her body. Actually, she had demanded Shigi buy a new television for Izuku (under Nezu's suggestion); which Shigi did. Every day when the adults left to work, Rize placed baby Izuku in front of the TV and went about her day. 

But TV wasn't all bad, Izuku learned about the world outside of his home; he learned about All Might, the greatest hero of all time. His love for the hero grew and his admiration couldn't be contained, so much he requested his grandmother to buy him an All Might onesie...

Of course Rize, who knew nothing of All Might and her son's hatred of the man, didn't think twice; she told Nezu of the strange demand and the talking creature was more than happy to provide the clothing. One day, Nezu showed up with a brand new onesie; he instructed Rize to dress the child and let him continue watching the hero on television. Towards the end of the day, Shigaraki is the first to arrive home...and you can imagine the scene...

His son, his son, was dressed up like a mini All Might. Even though he's an adult, Shigaraki felt utterly betrayed. Not thinking about how Izuku would feel, Shigaraki ran and a baby. Later on, Dabi returned home to find the toddler searching frantically. 

"Izu...what are you wearing?" The dual skinned uncle bent over and listened carefully as the toddler explained what had happened. Sighing, Dabi stands up and goes about looking for his boss. Low and behold, he was hiding on the roof. 

"Boss, don't you think you're overreacting on Izu's clothes? You know he has no idea why you dislike the outfit right?" Dabi plants himself next to the depressed father, waiting for him to say something. 

" have no idea how much it hurts to see your son admiring someone you hate..." Shigaraki continues to watch from up top as Izuku runs from inside the house and then outside. The toddler was still searching for his daddy. 

"Boss - why don't you tell him that you don't like the outfit. He may be a kid, but he is pretty intuitive about your feelings and what to do to make you happy." Dabi stuck his hand out, he ignited his blue flame large enough to catch Izuku's attention. Once the kiddo saw where his father was, he sprung his wings from his back and quickly flapped the wings as fast as he could. 

"PAPA! This ish where you are!" Landing on his father with a 'thud', Dabi gives the two some space to talk. Izuku looks as his father and knows that something is bothering him. 

"Papa? Wush wrong? You sad." Sitting up straight, Izuku looks expectingly at his father. Dabi watched, a smile hidden by his hand. 

"Umm, Izu - papa isn't sad..." Shigaraki didn't want to have this conversation with his three year old. Mainly because Izuku could fly away, neither him or Dabi could catch the green-puff fast enough. 

"Hmmmmmm, papa - lying bad. Izu see papa sad. Why?" The toddler snuggled closer, hopping his love would make his father loosen up and it did. 

"Well...papa doesn't really like your outfit..." Izuku immediately raised his head and looked deep into Shigaraki's eyes. 

"Why?" Izuku wanted to know why his papa didn't like his clothes. 

"Do you like All Might more than papa?" Shigaraki didn't want to directly answer his son, he'd rather just beat around the bush, just a little. 

"Izu likes All Might. All Might is nice and strong and he save everyone. I want to be just like him!" Izuku raised his tiny, chunky arms into the air, emphasizing his declaration. Shigaraki was at a loss for words; his little boy didn't love him anymore, he loved All Might more. 

Like any parent, Shigaraki was on the verge of tears, so was Dabi...

"But papa, Izu love you. Izu love you, Izu love Dabi, Izu love Kuro, Izu like Himiko and Izu like Grandma Rize. All Might is not papa. Papa is papa and Izu love papa." Shigaraki and Dabi nearly busted into tears at the same time. Their tiny cinnamon roll declared that he loved his family; he just liked All Might. 

Sniff sniff. "Then, why did you want the suit Izu?" Shigaraki was still a little petty; he needed to know why he wanted to be like his enemy...

"Cause, All Might is strong and he can protect anyone...I want to protect papa and everyone else. If Izu has the suit, Izu will get stronger." Izuku's words tore at both adults. Dabi and Shigaraki had a moment of tears...lots of tears. 


"Well that little boy sure has a heart of gold. I don't see him being a villain at all. Especially, if it's his desire to protect Shigaraki. I think it's time we start directing our play. What do you think my dear?" Nezu turned to Rize. She sat next to the window, twirling a strand of her hair.

"Do you really think Tenko will let that boy go?" Rize asked nonchalantly, knowing full well Nezu had a plan for everything. 

"Come now my dear, there will come a time when enemies will have a common goal; and sometimes enemies will forget their differences just to defeat and overcome it. We just have to get this ball rolling, shall we?" Nezu extended his paw, waiting with an eager smile on his face. 

"I just hope you know what you're doing. If Izuku gets hurt in anyway, there is no way you could contain Tenko and Dabi...or me." Rize took the paw, heading to bed...

To be continued...

***Hello my loves! I had an idea that popped into my head and I am going with it! Please vote and comment! Let me know what you think so far please. Creative feedback is appreciated; negative comments - not so much. Also, please follow me and my stories! 



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