I'm home

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***Hello Everyone! 

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a long while. I've had a bit of a writer's block and I didn't want to give you amazing readers a blah ending - in any of my stories. Sorry for keeping you waiting! 



Izuku had fallen asleep in Dabi's arms. The adults still needed supplies, so they decided to take a quick detour. The day was entirely too long and everyone was just ready to get back to home base and connect with Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Eri. None of them saw anyone following them - then again, the damage Dabi caused was enough to keep the Pros all at bay - at least for the next 48 hours.

"Dabi? How's Izu? Is he still knocked out?" Rize had returned, she had a backpack filled with stolen goods. There was a sense of relief and calm vibrating from her eyes. Then again, none of them would admit it, but - all of them felt as though they'd never see Izuku again. And if they did - it would have been on opposing sides. The idea of fighting Izuku scared the shit out of them all. And it was certainly a bridge they wanted to avoid at all cost.

"Yeah, he's sleeping still - pretty heavy. He has a few bruises on his face and arms though. I'll have to ask him how he got those." Dabi continued to cradle the child in his arms, just confirming his form was real. Himiko came up behind the three - her arms filled with a bunch of random items.

"H-hey, l-let's go. I stole a lot and I am sure the owner is looking for me. Come on!" Himiko didn't wait - she ran, jumping over a bush and ducking into the rest of the shrubbery. Dabi shook his head - only Himiko could steal like a raccoon and look cute doing it.


It would be another hour before the trio got back to their current home. It was a tiny cottage that belonged to Kuro before he went bad. He liked keeping a quiet life - and the group appreciated it. The lights were still on in the cottage, probably because they were gone so long. 

"Do you think Shigi will freak out? I mean its been awhile since he's seen Izu?" Himiko knew the answer, but none of them could fathom how large the freak out would be...

Entering inside, Eri was assisting Kuro in the kitchen with snacks; Dabi decided he would go wait in the living room while the girls put the items away and gathered everyone. As Himiko gathered the two in the kitchen - Rize took it upon herself to see about her son. 

Knocking on his bedroom door, Rize waited patiently for her son to answer. And nothing. His level of depression went from his anguished self to immobile, shriveled potato. He hadn't left his room for days and he barely ate. 

R: Open the door, I need to show you something. 

S: ....

R: Son, I'm asking you to open the door, right now. 

S: Go...away...old hag

R: ...what was that last part?

S: I didn't stutter! I said "go away! Old h-"

Before Shigaraki could finish that last word, Rize busted down the door, grabbed her son by the collar of his shirt and began to brutally noogie him...


Himiko had dumped all of the items onto the table and proceeded to order Kurogiri and Eri to leave the kitchen and go into the living room. Neither of them listened. Instead - their eyes fell onto the items that she had "bought."

K: Himiko...what are these? 

H: Oh those are carrots. And that's a cucumber. Ohh and I bought salami!

E: Grandpa...why is everything long??? Didn't we ask for flour and sugar? And potatoes? 

Kurogiri wished he had better facial expressions; rather - he wished he had a face...he would show the shame of all these Phallic items. Obviously, Himiko was deprived of something and was showing her desire for that something....

H: What?? I got us healthy stuff...I mean - yeah they look like pen---

K: PENS! They look like pens! Right Eri dear? Pens. 

E: I guess so...uh grandpa - I think grandma is beating up daddy. Should we go stop them? 

K: Goodness - we can't have a day of peace, can we? 


As the ruckus continued, Dabi listened and waited as an enormous thud echoed through the cottage. The sound woke Izuku from his sleep and he erupts in a frenzy of tears. Dabi smiles - he could feel Shigaraki struggling to escape his mother...

The sound of pounding feet shook the tiny cottage - Dabi prepared himself; this was going to hurt...

Shigaraki's hair was a complete mess - it stuck in all directions - he really looked like Izuku's dad. 

"Hey Boss - I got a sur---!!!" 

Dabi knew he wasn't going to finish the last part of his sentence - but he didn't think, Shigaraki of all people - would embrace him...it was so warm. Izuku began to stir in his sleep - his baby eyes opening...

"I-izu?" The decay villain whispered his son's name, praying none of this was a dream. 

"PAPA!" Izuku shook his head quickly, rubbing his eyes in the process. He couldn't believe his little eyes! 

Kurogiri and Eri came running in at the sound of Izuku's name and his voice! Eri charged, tackling her father, climbing up his leg. The rest of the family joined in and gathered around the little boy. 

"Papa! I'm home Papa!" Izuku clung to his papa's chest; excited to see his family. This moment felt like a dream. 

"Izu...welcome home...you're...home...." Shigaraki was crying...his heart wrenching...

To be continued... 

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