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Rize sat quietly on her porch, watching her grandson fly about their garden. Each day he was getting stronger and faster. It was only a matter of time before his quirk reached its full potential. And with each passing day, Nezu's plan was nearing the start...

"Grandma, lookie! Ima do a loop-da-loop! Look!" Izuku starts his wings and flaps as hard as he can. But instead of his loop-da-loop, it was a loop-da-drop. The tiny cinnamon roll drops flat on his face; it took a few seconds for him to move into a sitting position and realized what happened. He immediately bursts into tears. Slightly chuckling, Rize moves from the porch and picks up her green fuzzy-wuzzy.

"Now, now. Don't cry sweetheart. It doesn't hurt that bad does it? Here, let me kiss it and make it all better." Gently rubbing his head, Rize kisses the forming bump, while swaying him back and forth.

"Well isn't that adorable. Honestly Rize, you do have some maternal bone in your body; it only took an infant angel to do so." Nezu comes waltzing up with two strangers next to him.

"Grandma, who that?" Izuku sniffles a few times and dries his tears. Holding Izuku closer, Rize has a terrible feeling about his sudden visit.

"Nezu, what are you doing here? My son could be back any minute from his work. And not to be rude, but even though you're not a hero - they still know who you are." Rize tries easing her way back towards the house, but Nezu and his guests follow behind rather closely.

"Oh, silly woman. I made sure that your family stays preoccupied for a few hours. Now, for the reason I came. I'm sure you're wondering." Reaching his arms out, Nezu calls for baby Izuku to fly into his arms. Izuku didn't sense anything off about the creature and did as he was asked. And within seconds, Nezu has the child in his arms, with a cloth over his nose and mouth. Rize reacts as fast as she can, only to be toppled by Endeavor.

"NEZU, What is the meaning of this?! This was not apart of the plan?!" Rize struggles against the fire monkey; but his strength is far beyond her abilities, and the fact he could roast her alive doesn't make the decision to eat him easier.

"Sadly my dear, plans have changed. It seems like All for One knows of your where about. And not to insult you - your family wouldn't have known a thing if he were to attack. And for the sake of this child, I will need to take him now. This is for everyone's own good." Nezu instructs his other goon to enter the home and find something of Shigaraki's.

"Everyone's own good?! Bullshit! Izuku needs his father, he needs his family! If you strip that away from him - he'd think we've abandoned him! He'd hate Tenko! UGH, let me go Endeavor or I'll bite off a piece of your damn arm!" Endeavor loses what little patience he has and knocks out the grandmother by putting her in a choke-hold.

"That's quite enough Endeavor. Pick her up and drop her off. Place her in the back alley near the exit at Shigaraki's work...oh and leave her undamaged. At least this way, their family can avoid meeting the wrath of All for One. Aizawa, what did you bring?" Nezu walks up to Aizawa's extended arm - it was a grey hoodie - the one that Shigaraki always wore when he left the safety of his home.

"Perfect, you have your orders. Let's leave - All for One is not far behind." Gently wrapping Izuku into the hoodie, the group leaves...


Just as Nezu had instructed, Rize was left in the back alley of the bookstore that Dabi and Shigaraki worked at. Dabi was the one to discover her and immediately called for Kurogiri and Toga to meet at the rooftop of the bookstore.

"Hey, Old hag. Wake up, come on! We need answers and we need them now!" Slapping her face a few times did nothing. Shigaraki paced back and forth - his mind went to Izuku, where the hell is he? Who took him? There was no sign of All for One anywhere - it couldn't have been him...could it? Finally coming to, Rize punches Dabi in the face.

"You little shit - you didn't need to slap me that much." Rubbing her cheeks, Rize looks to her son - he looked worse than death - a sign of a worried parent.

"Tenko..." But before she could say anything, Shigaraki had his hand, minus his middle finger - wrapped around his mother's throat.

"Give me one good reason for not killing you right here, right now?!" Pure rage coursed through his veins.

"Kill me and you lose any chance of getting Izuku back..." Shoving his mother to the ground - he waits for her to continue.

"First off, Izuku is fine. He wasn't taken by All for One. But according to the people that did take him, that blind bastard wasn't far from our home. Which means, we can't go back there. We need to leave for the city and soon..." Rize watches as Shigaraki muddles through the information he just received.

"Who has my son..." Looking straight into his mother's eyes, Shigaraki was not playing games - his son needed him and he needed his son.

"...The...Pros...have them..."

To be continued...

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