Grandmother...Evil Grandmother?

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The room had become tense; so much, anyone could swim in the tension. Shigaraki starred down his mother, also known as the beast in his eyes. And to the decay villain, his mother is and will always be a monster - she abandoned him when he needed her the most; she tried to kill her own husband! And of course, she attacked All for One, and nearly killed him. His mother was not a soul to be reckoned with.

"Dear son, how long do you intend to look at me? I won't fade away any faster; if you truly want this baby back - tell me what he means to you and the ugly Baboon you call a 'master.' Her words were calm, but she wanted to know what this child was to everyone. Kurogiri arrived in time with tea and sandwiches for all to eat.

"Master, if you don't tell the madam why we are here and what Izuku means to everyone, she will not return him to you. You already know the rules of this home. Please obey them, you and I are no match for her." Kurogiri passed everyone tea and sandwiches. Once done, he removed baby Izuku from the grasps of his madam and proceeded to bottle feed the cinnamon roll.

"Fine! Not like I have much of a choice now! Listen old lady, and listen good. I'm only going to tell you once. That kid right there is MY SON. Let me say that one more time: MY SON. I raised him and will continue to do so. Only issue his, the man that gave him life happens to be...All...for One..." His last words barely came out; hoping his mother focused on the other parts.

"You are an idiot if you thought I didn't catch the last portion. So~ that little fuzz ball belongs to that monster? Surprise, surprise. Maybe I might get the chance to finish what I started." Running a hand through her long soft hair, a spark of menace glossed her eyes; recalling a distant memory.

"Uh, Shigi...what does your mom mean by, 'finish what she started?'" Toga whispered as quietly as possible, while munching on a sandwich. Shigaraki knew exactly the moment his mother went back to; it was the day he chose All for One over his mother. Both mother and son relived the same moment; but a different emotion was connected to that event. A mother felt betrayal and loss; a son felt strength and a fringe of hope.

"Stop whispering to my son about everything, I can answer for myself. And if any of you call me 'old lady', I'll eat you. Call me Rize." Her eyes darted to the three young adults, making it clear she was serious on her threat. But of course, only two ding-dongs would question her seriousness.

"Pfft, you wouldn't eat us. You couldn't, tee hee. Nice threat though old la----" A hard slap to the mouth stopped Toga from sealing her death.

"My mother isn't joking...she can and will eat you, if you give her a reason...don't provoke her...idiots." A sound of disgust and fear rang in Shigaraki's voice.

A look of confusion spread across Dabi's and Toga's face; she could eat them?? A rather gruesome and cursed quirk, Rize has an ability known as the ghoul quirk. It allows the body enhanced senses and skills; but it comes with a dark backfire: the hunger for flesh, particularly human.

Shigaraki recalls the day his mother and father fought - his mom took a chunk out of his father's arm...the amount of blood that covered the living room floor; his grandparents forcing his mother away from him and anyone around. His mother disappeared frequently after that fateful day; only to return for special occasions. Even then, his grandmother refused to leave mother and son alone.

"Tenko, don't scare your friends. I've already eaten. I'm not hungry hehe. Promise." A wicked giggle echoed her so called promise.

"Uh Miss Rize, what were you talking about when you said you'd finish what you started?" Toga pipped up again; nosy as always.

"Oh yes, of course. I'm going to finish eating All for One." Her statement made Dabi drop his tea cup and Toga's sandwich fall from her mouth.


Did this woman really say, she...was going to eat All for One?

"Kurogiri, is the child done eating? I want to hold him again." Extending her arms out; everyone watched in fear as Kurogiri handed the child over to his madam.

"My my, I can see why you love his child so much. He brings such a feeling of love and warmth. I could just eat him." Cuddling the fluffy broccoli's cheek against her's, she nuzzled him - right before she licked his cheek. Shigaraki stood up and tried to grab his son, but his mother shoved a foot in his face.

"For hell's sake - I was kidding, I am not going to eat him. He is too pure for me to eat. Besides, this is my grand baby...what kind of grandmother would I be if I ate him like a piece of cake?" Shigaraki knew better than to answer that question - he just pushed his mother's foot away and sat back down.

"Now, tell me what it is I can help you five with. It seems like you're in far more trouble than you were anticipating." Placing Izuku in her lap, she wraps her arms lovingly around his tiny form.

"Simple; I basically went against All for One. And now, we're on the run. Izuku did some damage, which will give us a bit of a head start. But I am fairly certain he'll find us soon. It's only a matter of time." Shigaraki's head dropped into his palm; they needed to come up with a plan now or they were screwed.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch - you're more than welcome to live here with me. And we can be a happy family again -plus your servants of course." Rize continued to tease the group, knowing full well - they weren't servants, for now.

"How about it my son? I can offer you a safe haven; protection and my allegiance if All for One finds you. I doubt that he will; but I can help in a fight." Her smile oozed mischief; but what could Shigaraki do? He was outnumbered; out-powered and he still had a son to raise.

"As long as you can promise me you won't eat any of us; we'll stay. But if I get the hint of you trying to eat anyone, you're dead." Shigaraki snatches his son away from his evil mother and cradles him in his arms.

Izuku smiles at his father, using his tiny hands to grab every area of his cheeks.

"H-hey, you know it hurts when you do that Izu." The child giggles and continues to pinch and pull.

"Hmmm Tenko, you sure have grown attached to that child. As a mother, I'll tell you - it's best not to get too close. Children become your weakness - and your weakness becomes your death." Getting up from her seat, Rize excuses herself to her room; she gives Kurogiri orders to prepare the home that would suit five more people.

"Boss - your mother. I don't trust." Dabi looked towards the direction that Rize left. All of them felt the uneasiness - but they were out of options, as least for now. The best they could do was keep up their guard and train. Just in case.


In Rize's Room:

"Strange, I never thought I'd see the day that my son: the child of decay, would be a parent. And a good one at that. Do you think me evil for saying such a thing?" Rize paced her room, thinking about her son and the ten years that had gone by.

"My silly Rize. Of course it is not evil of you. You are a mother that had to give your child up because no one trusted you. You were lost and confused, so was your son. Don't be so hard on yourself, you have a shot at a second chance. Don't waste it now." The small form calmly sips his tea, trying to sooth his friend's nerves.

"Nezu - what about the baby? This might be our only chance of trapping All for One." Rize starred at the animal-humanoid; sitting comfortably in his suit.

"Now, now. I am already ahead of you on that my dear. I have ways of making fate work for the greater good. Trust me." Nezu smiled - his plan will go into action soon enough...

To be continued...

A/N: Hi my lovelies! I hope you are enjoying the book so far. I know it is a little slow - but my brain is filled with NyQuil! I am totally in a hazy-phase. Rest assured, the story will pick up soon. I promise!



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